Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 7/3/2005
amazing photoart!!! i wish i'd taken this!!!
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 7/2/2005
Jose, Markus, thank you so much.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 6/23/2005
Lovely composition and work, Paula. The blue looks so mysterious. Excellent!
Cheers, Markus
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/17/2005
in my favorites. amazing beautiful scene. 7
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 6/16/2005
I am leaving for a short vacation and have no time to thank each of you individually, but want you to know how much I appreciate your comments and presence in my threads. Thank you so much
Basso Gianluca
{K:684} 6/16/2005
interessante, misteriosa e carica di simbolismi. un bel lavoro.
Frank Beer
{K:10112} 6/15/2005
Simply beautiful, Paula!
Great and artful creation, I love it!
All the best Frank
Raffaele Lepore
{K:1741} 6/15/2005
Realtà? Fantasia? Sogno?
Un bel tuffo nell'ignoto!!
Lavoro eccellente, Paula!
Maurizio Spadaccino
{K:5132} 6/13/2005
nice, incredible mood that touches your soul and makes you feel "cold" inside... nice job Paula congrats
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 6/13/2005
Mais...comment tu fais ?....quels sont tes secrets ? tu es mon Alice au pays des merveilles...dear Paula....kisses
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/13/2005
Splendida immagine...dal sapore Magico! Magnifica ed artistica l'elaborazione!!! Ciao donato
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 6/12/2005
So mystic, ?. so well composed and arranged! Well done, best regards, Pawel
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 6/12/2005
Hi Alex, grazie. Dovrebbe essere una finestra leteralmente spaccata dalla luce ( beh, quella era l'intenzione).
Alex Rocchi
{K:5679} 6/12/2005
Wow bei colori e bella atmosfera. Ottimo lavoro paula. La cornice non mi convine , ma se l'hai essa vuol dire che stava meglio così. Ciaooooo
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 6/12/2005
Marian: yes, blue is the color. Guess it is clear it's one of my favourites and yours, too, it seems:-) thanks.
Renato, Asa, Alex, glad you enjoyed the mood. Thanks.
Antonio, Margaret, I too thought the framinf added a tone of mystery. Thank you.
Galal, Fabio, Naftali: it is supposed to be a window or...a mind opening:-) Thanks.
Francesco, Gilberto, Dino, thanks for sharing your enjoyment of the world in blue.
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 6/11/2005
Beautiful effect and composition, very great shot, congrats!! Ciao
Gilberto Santa Rosa
{K:11147} 6/11/2005
Stupend!!!!!!! Fantastic composition and colors!!! Thank you
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 6/11/2005
excellent fantastic picture!!!!!!
naftali raz
{K:1819} 6/11/2005
interesting electric light. and the frame - i dk what to make out of it but i like it too. an interesting experiment overall.
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 6/11/2005
Whatever is the frame I like it. Great blue mood. Take care Fabio
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 6/11/2005
Excellent composition , nice tones & frame , regards .
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/11/2005
Mysterious, just such a great blue glow excellent work Margaret
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 6/11/2005
that frame adds a mistery to this shot more than due to the night!
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 6/11/2005
Fantastic effect, really stunning. Well done, Alex
Åsa B
{K:485} 6/11/2005
Beautiful! The composition ánd the blue light is just great!
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 6/11/2005
great compose and colours. regards Renato
Marian Man
{K:80636} 6/11/2005
ooo yes!!!!! excellent composition and presentation dear Paula!!!!! and blue is the color!!!!!!!!!!! I love this one!!!!!! very well done!!! bravo!!! best regards Marian