Mary Brown
{K:71879} 5/11/2005
Unique. Nice presentation. Mary
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 5/2/2005
Randy, you have got a very attentive eyes, but this was clear from your photos. Thank you.
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 5/2/2005
Zafar, so good to see you here. Was really wondering about you and how I missed you and your photos. Welcome here!
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 5/2/2005
Cool piece Paula! I could recognize that eye right off, as abstract as it is and after all the PS. I looked right away at your bio thumbnail to see if it was derived from the same photo. Very nice ~7~
M. Zafar Rabbani
{K:1451} 5/2/2005
Hi Paula. So nice to see you here. I recently joined this site. Accidently I found your comment on one of the photos.
About the image. Again very creative idea indeed. Execution also is exquisite. Superb PS work. Lately your creative ideas and beautiful PS rendering is getting better and better with every image.
Kind regards.
Paula Grenside
{K:2811} 5/2/2005
Roberto, grazie. E, no, non č l'occhio della ragazza in blu.
Markus, thanks a lot; always appreciate your presence.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 4/30/2005
Paula, your photopaintings are amazing. Wonderful, Markus
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/30/2005
un occhio un ciuffo di capelli.. mi paice bella roby
un sereno week end.