Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 4/9/2005
wonderful light and wonderful face! the tones do look a little posterized in the hair though. perhaps I'm having a monitor issue :)
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 3/31/2005
Great eyes, nice dof and tones!
Sherry S
{K:2757} 3/31/2005
Absolutely gorgeous in every way. What a beautiful girl! Her Oma must be very proud!
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 3/29/2005
I love this! It is natural and speaks volumes about the personality of this child. The hair makes it.
c c
{K:13449} 3/29/2005
I am just gonna "ditto" Jan.....I LOVE this shot!
Elizabeth O'Neal
{K:4436} 3/29/2005
Beautiful tones and excellent composition. Nice work.
Lynne Stacey
{K:529} 3/29/2005
Love the hair pieces in her face and the sparkle in her eyes.
Elsje Fiederelsje
{K:6320} 3/29/2005
beautiful portrait!!!
Christine Moad
{K:136} 3/29/2005
I love this picture! It might be my favorite out of your latest beach series. I like how she has her hair done up very formaly but is has become messy with the wind, and as Jan Granger said, a kid's hair should be messy! Your clarity as usual is what makes this picture fantastic and memorable. Wonderful job!
Jan .
{K:8693} 3/29/2005
Pat, first of all, I don't care what anybody else tells you, I love the strands of hair in her face! Windy or not, she's a kid, this is how they naturally look!! For me, usually, if their hair looks to "neat" I like to mess it up a little anyway!! LOL Another thing that catches my eye here is your crop (you are very good at this), unexpectedly horizontal, off-center, PERFECT! So add to that.. soft lighting, excellent B/W tones, a sparkle in her eye and great DOF and you've got another fantastic example of "Pat Fruen's Work".
I enjoy learning from you...keep it up! Jan