City - Madison State - WISCONSIN Country - United States
Matha, my dad's wife, my step mom... she's cool. Again, same situation as the shot of my dad, I want to blame the film but I know damn well I have the direct flash too damn close to the subject. Sigh. Next time. I am begining to really enjoy using medium format for posed shot, I need to keep working with it. The square is a nice shape to frame up with, not to mention it scans really nicely.
Yes... and I should have used 32.... that is two strobes. I didn't angle them right, hence washed out highlights... but it works.... I have found that three pointed at a white ceiling works great. Get yourself some vivitar slave units it's a cheap solution..
I like the effect you got by having the flash so close. And then the solarized look is visually pleasing. Ever try bouncing off something, like an umbrella or even the ceiling? I used to be real uncomfortable with the square format. Now I can't do enough with it.