City - Madison State - WISCONSIN Country - United States
Nothing groundbreaking here, but the ice is breaking, these are my twins, I've been raising on my own them and going to school for the past two years now. They are getting pretty good at posing for me. This is just a walk around our neighborhood.
I admire you, with all you go through and have the courage and responsibility of taking care of two beautiful children and attending school. I envy you, and empathize, too, and all the hardships you must've endured and will endure. I wanted kids, but no one wants a 43 year old cancer survivor. We all have our go in life. It's funny, but I wouldn't trade places with anyone, or be anybody else but me. I used to hate me, but with the stuff I've been through, I found out i'm a pretty cool, together kind of guy. And we all have been through our personal hells and more to come. It'll all come to pass. Keep up your artwork.
Your children should make a great ongoing photodocumentary as they grow up. But not too fast, I hope. Enjoy. These are great days for all of your household.
They were nice enough to stand and stomp in the puddle for me, my kids are learning to follow directions pretty well. I hope they'll continue to pose as they get older, I love Ralph Eugene Meatyard's shots of his kids. Mine are too young to take into abandoned buildings as of yet.