derin deniz
{K:3544} 11/13/2011
good timing..best wishes..,Mine
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 6/9/2007
¡Hola Ronald! Gracias por acordarte de tu viejo maestro. He estado pasando unos años sabáticos con respecto a la fotografía. Por suerte sigo trabajando en la música y ello me demanda tiempo. Pero ha llegado la era digital... compré cámaras actuales y estoy de vuelta en la toma de fotos. De modo que cuando considere que mis imágines sean más o menos interesantes volveré... y creo que pronto. Te mando un cálido abrazo, Hugo.
Ronald Silvester
{K:900} 6/8/2007
Hola, Hugo. ¿Cómo está? Hace tiempo que no se ven imágenes suyas en Usefilm. ¿No nos regalaría algunas? Un cálido abrazo de su ex-alumno, Ronald Silvester.
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 2/28/2007
Sólo te digo: ¡gracias por tus comentarios y por tus fotos! Un saludón, Hugo Pierre
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 2/28/2007
Gracias por tus conceptos. Tienes una hermosa página. Sigo soplando mi saxo y no pienso parar. Desde Montserrat (Capital Federal)un cálido abrazo, Hugo Pierre
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 2/28/2007
Fantastico!! Excelente contraluz, muy buen trabajo en los colores Saludos!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/25/2007
Un precioso momento bellamente capturado...
Un abrazo Hugo! y...Long life to jazz!!!!
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 5/13/2006
Querido amigo: te agradezco de todo corazón tu comentario sobre mis fotos. Yo te respeto por la calidad de tus trabajos y te felicito por ello. Lamentablemente por razones de tiempo no he agregado fotos a mi portfolio. Sucede que me he sumado al mundo digital y estoy contemplando la posibilidad de volver...espero que sea pronto. Un gran abrazo de tu amigo que te admira, Hugo Pierre
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/12/2006
Bellisima composicion. fantastico portafolio. una pasada.
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 11/9/2005
wonderful silhouetes..with a beautiful sunset.. unusual happy silhouetes..well done.. best regards..Nea'ma from Egypt )
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/9/2005
I'm sure since you've posted this image you have well and truly mastered Photoshop as this was posted some time ago. The effects here are wonderful. I'm surprised you haven't posted any images recently. This one should have put into the Silhouettes project. It's a very refreshing silhouette. What a novel and creative idea. The colours are stunning and the shapes are fun. Very nice image.
Thank you also for taking the time to view and comment on my images. Sadly argentina is one country I havev't been to...YET. Maybe if natural disasters and political upheaval settle down some I might resume my overseas explorations but for now I'm happy to explore the wonderful National Parks of the USA. Thanks for stopping by my images.
Cheers - Ann :)
Saqib Zulfiqar
{K:2745} 5/29/2005
Brilliantly done shot.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 5/27/2005
amazing shot! great colors!
thanks for your comment :) Paolo
Melody Russell
{K:1089} 5/24/2005
Hello Hugo, Greetings from Syria! This photo is fantastic. I like what you have done with it (I also looked at the original). The silhouettes against the orange are great! Melody
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 5/18/2005
Fabulous Image...Love the colors and the silhouette..You took something ordinary and made it look fantastic...Excellent PS skills...todo tu trabajo es de maravilla, y es muy grande el placer que siento al admirarlo mi amigo...abrazos....:)Linda
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/17/2005
fantastica. estupenda la tonalidad. en jignaciogarcia@aemail4u.com el link para fotos de todo el mundo.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 4/25/2005
Splendida cattura, ottimi colori e composizione!!!! Congrat.!!!
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 4/23/2005
Beautiful.....image has a fun feeling!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 4/23/2005
Wonderful moment beautifully captured and rendered. I looked back at the first submission (this is the longest time between submissions I've ever seen -- 8/03 to 2/05!). It underscores that it is never too late to rethink things. Back to your photo...the color effects are very nice as they add vibrancy to the image, but I also like the appeal of the more subtle mood in the first one. How did you get this angle? Were you at the top of another ride? Well, gee I've chatted it up quite enough now. Cheers.... Antonia
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 4/21/2005
Truly a fatastic image, the silhouettes and the warm light are magnificent! Antonella
{K:5595} 4/21/2005
questa siluette è stupenda. massimo
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 4/1/2005
oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :))) ciao Hugo !!!!!!!!!! :) la vedo solo ora...il 6 febbraio era il giorno del mio compleanno questa è un regalo per me ? :) Molto bella forza ritorna in UF ogni giorno...
{K:16195} 3/27/2005
What a great sky. Really great colors and tones. I like the silhouettes. Very interesting capture. Regards, Hayri.
{K:16195} 3/27/2005
What a great sky. Really great colors and tones. I liek the silhouettes. Very interesting capture. Regards, Hayri.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/22/2005
Beautiful silhouetting. I love those colours. Good work. Thanks so much Hugo for your wonderful comment.
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 3/19/2005
Excellent texture and vivid tones on this splendid creation.My best regards
Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 3/18/2005
this is a great image. You have a beautiful portfolio. now I put this shot in my favourite and come back another day for see your portfolio.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 3/13/2005
The sky add a lot to the composition..Good job. Regards, Riny.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 3/12/2005
Hugo,excllent Great silhouettes Teunis
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 3/6/2005
Excellent work.Nice composition with a great sky in background.Superb silhouettes.Well done my friend. Regards
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/16/2005
ehi mio buon Hugo.. io ero convinto di avere già commentato questa foto ed invece.. è uno sbaglio.. è un ottimo capolavoro e grande nella emozione di questo controluce! ma adesso che ricordo è un tuo vecchio scatto.. una ottima interpretazione! un affettuoso abbraccio e a presto, roby
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 2/16/2005
Excellent Hugo!!! Very beautiful work!! Thank you for your comments in my pic! Best regards! Roberto.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 2/16/2005
Striking composition Hugo.
Sandra Berry
{K:8352} 2/15/2005
Greetings Hugo, Excellent image, love the silhouetts, perfect effect, Great work in photo shop, the color adds an element to the dramatic side, best regards, Sandra
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 2/15/2005
Preciosa foto Hugo,maravilloso efecto logrado, exelente composicion Saludos
Alastair Bell
{K:29571} 2/13/2005
Beautiful silhouettes of the people against the sunset. i also like the architectural components of the image too. The strong and strictly ordered triangular shapes are a wonderful ounterpoint to the rounded and chaotic organic shapes of the people. Well done!
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 2/13/2005
Beautiful arrangement, I like the background colour id does suit the interesting silhouette. long time not seeing your work almost one year, Regards.Saeed
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 2/12/2005
Awesome photo Hugo! The silhouettes are excellent and the colors are fantastic! Well done! my best...........John
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 2/12/2005
molto bella hugo carissimo..efficace e interessante l'elaborazione dei colori che confluisce alle silhouette un aspetto spettacolare...ciao amico mio ...ben ritrovato
the much beautiful hugo carissimo..efficace and interesting elaboration of the colors that meets to silhouette a spectacular aspect... hello dear hugo... very found again
{K:5880} 2/12/2005
Nice silhuette photo. Beautiful colors too.
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 2/12/2005
wow... this is amazing! I love this! 7+++++++ Regards, Miguel
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 2/9/2005
Excellent composition!!!!!!!! Regards Jani
samer olaby
{K:519} 2/7/2005
Beautifull , congrats
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 2/6/2005
Wow! Amazing! I love it so much. Very laconic and with a great feeling. Excellent done. Regards, Lena
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 2/6/2005
Hi!...Hugo: Excellent PS work!!! Jeff.
I have Emailed you several Times...each time the email address refused!....You are so Elusive...these Days!...Please send me your Email address:.....jcar@ca.inter.net
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 2/6/2005
Stunning color...excellent silhouettes....great work... Clifton.......
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 2/6/2005
Hola Hugo, cuánto tiempo sin saber de ti, casi un año! Me encanta como has compuesto este precioso contraluz. También los colores son especiales. Buen trabajo. Saludos y espero que sigas enseñando tu maravilloso trabajo.
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 2/6/2005
great compose end colours,very nice. Renato
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/6/2005
Hello hugo! I haven't "seen" you for so long! What a beautiful photo! I love the composition and extremely strong and wild colours! Adventurous and beautiful!
// //
{K:6081} 2/6/2005
Very exprienced work ,Fantastic.
cerebral marv
{K:217} 2/6/2005
awesome colors with great silhouette
{K:20268} 2/6/2005
Excellent...... great shot!!! kel
{K:42404} 2/6/2005
Hugo, bellisima, fotografía, composicion, colores, siluetas , todo perfecto 7+++++++++++++. Felicitaciones y que Dios te bendiga
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 2/6/2005
This is really cool/
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 2/6/2005
Macho te pasas. Increible!!! No se que decir mas que WOW! Muy bien hecho!!!
