Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 3/6/2005
Another pretty 'white one'!! This is a lovely scene! Looks like skies are the mode of travel! I like the white clouds in the sky that compliment the snow!
Very nice composition. Lori :)
Maurice Telfair
{K:1036} 2/27/2005
Dear Kristina
Many, many thanks for your kind comments on my portfolio. Usefilm friends have provided much encouragement for me to come back to photography. I have had much pleasure looking at your photos, and like this one especially, because of its crispness and clarity; the light is just perfect. And besides, cross-country skiing is what I do every weekend.
Gustavo RS
{K:2745} 2/14/2005
Wow, what a view! I love these infinite landscape. Great shot.
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 2/9/2005
Ma kaptam egy jó viccet a hidegröl, ide kívánkozik:
+15?C. Spanyolországban az emberek téli kabátot és kesztyut húznak. A finnek kifekszenek napozni. +10?C. A franciák hiábavalóan próbálják bekapcsolni a központi futést. A finnek virágokat ültetnek a kertben. +5?C . Az olasz kocsik nem indulnak. A finnek még kabriókat használnak. 0?C. Megfagy a desztillált víz. A Vantaa folyó vize kicsit surubbé válik. -5?C. A kaliforniaiak a fagyhalál küszöbén állnak. A finnek még egy utolsó rostonsütést rendeznek a szabadban a tél beállta elott. -10?C. A britek futeni kezdenek. A finnek hosszú ujjú pólót vesznek. -20?C. Az ausztrálok elmenekülnek Mallorcáról. A finnek Szent Iván éjét ünneplik. Beköszönt az osz. -30?C. A görögök halálra fagynak és eltunnek a Földrol. A finnek elkezdenek házon belül mosni. -40?C. Párizs összeroppan a hideg súlya alatt. A finnek sorban állnak a hotdogos standok elott. -50?C. A jegesmedvéket kimenekítik az Északi Sarkról. A Finn Hadsereg elhalasztja a téli túlélo gyakorlatát a gyenge idojárásra hivatkozva. -60?C. Korvatunturi (A Télapó otthona) befagy. A finnek kivesznek egy filmet és otthon maradnak. -70?C. A pót-Télapó délre költözik. A Finnek kicsit idegesek lesznek, mert a Koskenkorva vodkájukat már nem tárolhatják a szabadban. A Finn Hadsereg megkezdi a túlélo gyakorlatot. -183?C. Az ételben található mikrobák elpusztulnak. A finn tehenek a gazdájuk hideg kezeire panaszkodnak. -273?C Minden atomalapú molekula mozgása leáll. A finnek csak ennyit mondanak ''Ba**** meg, hideg van ma odakint'' -300?C Befagy a Pokol. A finnek megnyerik az Eurovíziós táncdalfesztivált.
Remélem nem bántotok meg senkit vele! Szia Radák
Nigel Cliff
{K:1560} 2/5/2005
Rather a picture postcard shot but niceley donr and the inclusion of the skiers adds to the balance of the shot
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 2/5/2005
So lovely composed and captured,great light and colors,Just super! Regards
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 2/5/2005
Oh, so good... I what to go with these skiers. I like to skite so much... This scene remind me small city where I was born, in a middle of Russia. I love this winter... Very beautiful shoot. Excellent done, it's a real snow, I'd like to touch it...Thanks for sharing, Kriss. Best wishes, dear friend. To my Favorites. 7+ Lena
davide lupo-pasini
{K:8079} 2/5/2005
Ciao Krissssss!!! just to tell u that yesterday, my new son Ian, is finally born! 4, 50 kilos 53 cm long.... a little veal!! eheh i'm so happy.... i want to share with my friends.... Ciao! Davide
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 2/4/2005
Cold, yes, but very nice view. I wish we had so much snow here for a few days. A great capture, Kris! Lighting is superb, exposure is perfect. Love the mood. Emgy
Cedric Sims
{K:3259} 2/4/2005
Like the nice wide perspective! Looks like a scene you would see in a book.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 2/2/2005
Fabulous wintry landscape, Kriss. Flawless! Kind regards, Chris
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 2/2/2005
What a beautiful view!!!Great work dear Kristina. regards
{K:26787} 2/2/2005
Hi Kriss! What a beautiful winter scene! A cold, crisp sunny day with clean snow ... ahh!!!
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 2/1/2005
Beautiful...now i understand why the nordic skiing comes from your countries...and please..no palms :)
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 2/1/2005
Very nice winter scene.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 2/1/2005
hi kristina,
great to have some fresh stuff from you. hope you feel good!
awesome view here, great depth impression. love the colors and the action. great exposure.
best wishes,
donato r.
{K:16361} 2/1/2005
Gradevolissima immagine, ricca di splendida luce ed ottima definizione... abrazo donato
{K:30945} 2/1/2005
most beautiful view dear Kristina. Love it! what`s up with you Canon Friend ;-))) Kiss, Biliana
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 2/1/2005
Beautiful composition and scene, Kristina. Nice moment with the people because add a a sense of joy and relax. regards, Tommaso
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 2/1/2005
Splendid winter scene. Thank's for your time. I'm always fell happy when you find time to share with thic commynity. Big hug to you :-))).
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 2/1/2005
Stunning! Such an idyllic scene! I love snow, and we're stuck with rain at the moment. Beautiful! Lucky skiers! Carolyn
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 1/31/2005
Hello Kristina, the scene is very beautiful,the lighting is very nice,I like it.my best regards
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 1/31/2005
Kristina, beautiful winterlandscape Teunis
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 1/31/2005
I can see clearly where you were, this place has something magic, maybe the little and beautiful houses, the great space, the quiet, the snow? certainly I would like to spent some days here, absolutely alone, without ?talking? people around hehehe? Thanks Kriss for this nice virtual trip, I wish you all the best!!! Kisses, Max
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/31/2005
Ha, you went on winter sports then ? Very good capture, the depth in the shot is great, the skiers add a sense of scale .. Peter
Gord Runtz
{K:3348} 1/31/2005
Hi Kriss, Perfect exposure on this shot! Very nice scene! I'll be glad to see the cold and the snow go as well. Another 2 months yet!!
Keep up the great work and thank you very much for all your kind comments!!
Cheers! Gord
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 1/31/2005
Beautiful scenery ,excellent colors how nice did you compose here \Many many thanks for commenting on my pictures Best regards my friend
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 1/31/2005
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 1/31/2005
This is beautiful..The tones contrast and lighting work well together!1 Best wishes. Riny.
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 1/31/2005
It is very difficult to do good shots in a snow covered landscape. This one is well done. Excellent clarity, colors / tones and a beautiful light. And the skiers are a nice add. Günter
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 1/31/2005
Beautiful shot... I love the snow! Regards to you Kristina
// //
{K:6081} 1/31/2005
Very well composed and captured,totaly orginal whait.bravo. Hassan