James Bambery
{K:13421} 1/28/2005
Great catch Angela. They must be rare in Canada because down here where I come from they are a dime a dozen. No, just kidding, it is our State bird and they are very common and abundant. I can imagine the thrill you had though in catching this bird when it is a rare area to see it. Congratulations.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 1/28/2005
I love the look you've captured from him. I have a couple of cardinal shots, but through a window, on the deck. This is much nicer, in the tree.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 1/28/2005
I love the look you've vaptured from him. I have a couple of cardinal shots, but through a window, on the deck. This is much nicer, in the tree.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/27/2005
Well done, Angela! You were right on the spot at the right time! Nice shot of him! Dave.
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 1/27/2005
Well done Angela, it's a good shot - the Cardinal is razor sharp and full of detail with a catch light in the eye from the flash. Perfect.
Debby Biri
{K:4775} 1/27/2005
Angela, I'm happy for you - that your patience paid off. How nice that the bird is so bright and all the colors are muted. Good work. -- Debby