Katrina Ingraham
{K:32} 4/20/2005
hey this was taken in brattleboro, VT! very nice. i like high contrast pics.
Derek Turgeon
{K:14} 1/24/2005
Hey bro... Hehe... It was an accident...
Kyle Turgeon
{K:727} 1/24/2005
Hey bro, Darth here. I think I might try out this picture thing. I may need some help, so I'll keep in touch. And remember, I am your father.
-Darth Vader (Derek)
Carla Stephens
{K:3148} 1/16/2005
Good job on the Threshold work. I think a lot of people are not big fans of some of the PS processing in UF, but in reality we can do this with film as well. InfraRed film will give you the same effect you got in the Cruiser and Lithographic film will give the effect you have here in the Railroad. See my 'Story Time Chair' in my portfolio. I am going to take a look at the Silver Black Gradient Map now. Keep up the nice work and if this style feels good to you...keep on doing what you do.
Best Regards. Carla
Kyle Turgeon
{K:727} 1/12/2005
Haha, thank you tamara. It occured to me but i just never did. From now on, i will, i promise. Thank you.
Tamara N
{K:2617} 1/12/2005
Oh my god - don't do that!!
Sorry, just.. oh, never do that. You never know when you'll want to go back to the original and try something new with it, or even just slightly adjust something.
What I do is put all my photos from a particular CF card into a folder. Then I made a separate folder within that and that's where I put all my "processed" pictures. That way you can keep all your "good" pictures separated out and you can go through them without having to go through all the originals, but you still HAVE the originals.
O.K. I know you could have thought of that yourself, but I was just so horrified at the thought of you deleting pictures that I just had to say something.
Outburst over now. :)
Kyle Turgeon
{K:727} 1/12/2005
I wish i could. unfortunalety, i have gotten into the habit (a bad one, i must say) of deleting the orginal, unedited pictures if they're not excellent. sorry.
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 1/12/2005
I kinda like this too, but I think the gritty, urban look could have been captured without needing to resort to this much manipulation of the shot. Could we see this image pre-thresholding?
Tamara N
{K:2617} 1/12/2005
I love this. The perspective along the tracks is great, and the high contrast adds to the urban feel of this shot.