{K:17069} 1/10/2005
Well Mel. Look at the "Evidence" eheheh
Even perfectly symmetrical u look perfect.
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/10/2005
VERY interesting!! I guess because I know of all my own imperfections I don't find my face to be very symmetrical (especially when applying makeup LOL). I will take the compliment though!! Thank you so much for commenting! If I ever do come to Miami I will cetainly let you know ;o)
I have seen some pretty great portraits from you and I especially love your shots of the little girls... too stinkin' cute!
{K:17069} 1/10/2005
Hiya Melanie. You have an almost perfectly symmetrical face.
I haven't seen anyone else that looks good when the face is split in two and mirrored... YOU DO!!!!
It's amazing.
You look like a living mannequin.
If you ever come to Miami. I would love to have the pleasure of photographing u.
PS: Look at this... Impressive :^)
Mel-leM |
Anna Lankau
{K:843} 1/6/2005
Melanie yes I live in Poland. But currently I'm in LA. unfortunatelly I'm just about to leaving California.. Maybe next year ;D. Best regards
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/5/2005
Ana, Tehachapi is a good 2-3 hour drive to LA (depending on the day, the traffic, and how fast you drive LOL). I thought you lived in Poland? That is awfully far away!!
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/5/2005
It seems everyone has a different idea on what would look good! LOL Which is fine with me, I like to experiment with different things, I am very open to what everyone has to say.
Like this? |
Frank Sala
{K:2643} 1/5/2005
Hi Melanie, As with your first in this series I like the colours,but the crop,personally I would have cropped much further to increase the impact to just above the eyes and touching the bottom lip.Give it a try. Frank
Anna Lankau
{K:843} 1/5/2005
So when can I make a portrait of You ;D? best regards.. Is Tehachapi far from LA?
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/5/2005
Wow, thanks so much for the compliment, Anna! That face is my own ;o) LOL I don't usually say so when I initially post a portrait because I think people tend to be more honest if they don't know it's you..... if you know what I mean.
Thank you, again, for your comments!
Anna Lankau
{K:843} 1/5/2005
what a fantastic face! I whish I could take a photo of her someday. best regards
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 1/5/2005
fantastic makeup!! i love the lighting and perfect model great job!!
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 1/5/2005
Another great one in the series!!
Tom Ross
{K:6453} 1/5/2005
Dramatic image.
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/4/2005
Thank you, Howie! I had no choice but to crop this one because I had accidentally chopped off my chin.. LOL.. It just didn't seem proportionate!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 1/4/2005
Another excellent self portrait. I dont normally like croppings so close as you know but it works really effectively in this one :) Excellent once again :)
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/4/2005
Thank you Peri and Louise, for commenting!
I should have elaborated more, I used natural window lighting on this. I explained it better in the first one I posted: http://www.usefilm.com/image/657401.html
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 1/4/2005
Thank you Peri Louise!
Sorry, I should have elaborated more. It was natural window lighting. I explained it better in the first I postedhttp://www.usefilm.com/image/657401.html
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 1/4/2005
Your lighting is awesome. What is the light source?
- -
{K:10510} 1/4/2005
hi melanie, is it your portrait?
ow! very impressive, marvellous portrait.. impressive colors..
take care..