Lucas L
{K:12145} 1/6/2005
quite a great way of starting the Year!!! have a fantastic 2005 my friend!!!
Shoot Mike
{K:3255} 1/4/2005
Mr.P Thanks for the reply. I knew you used softboxes from the pictures you've posted of your studio. What size are the lights in the softboxes and are thet monolights?
{K:17069} 1/4/2005
Hi Mike. It depends. Either 36x24 softboxes or 32" umbrellas or a combination of both and sometimes 18-degree spotlights.
Shoot Mike
{K:3255} 1/4/2005
Mr.P What kind and size lighting do you use?
{K:17069} 1/3/2005
Hi Howie. This is my personal style of lighting. I don't do what everybody else does. Hair lights or stuff you learn on books. I like this type of light. People recognize my style when they see my shots and that is what I like.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 1/3/2005
I like the expression.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 1/3/2005
Light is great as usual P, but she's over accessorised. Makes it all too busy for me. I'm sure it serves her purpose anyway, lol
xx P
Rona K **
{K:2375} 1/3/2005
Love the lighting on this.
Q Zhang
{K:3946} 1/3/2005
I disagree about the shadows. I like them. She reminds me of a predator cat in Egyptian dress. Especially with the eyes and bright teeth. Interesting and different.
audra erin
{K:3837} 1/3/2005
I love the pink and silver..nice skin tones too...but I think you should try this with a different model...Yeah..that shadow on her head is distracting.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 1/3/2005
I like the composition and pose but for me too many harsh shadows down the girls right. More reflectors needed IMHO. Could also do with a hair light above the head.
{K:17069} 1/3/2005
Same life, different girl.
gio4love .
{K:14469} 1/3/2005
New year...old life! Great!See you
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 1/3/2005
Bellissima e sexy!!!
Un saluto.