Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 11/2/2004
Thankyou Rafi. You now understand that it is her. But as you can see I gave her an effect to remove her natural prettiness to enhance the fact that I was trying to portray feminity, an inner beauty and not necessarily the outer beauty. The flowers emphasize the softness of a woman. I have told you before, look into the picture, not at the picture, and you will see. An image is not necessarily designed to be pretty rather that it is to portray beauty of another kind.
I did actually upload an image of a more beautiful model straight after this image just for you, but it was accepted well by viewers so I removed it. Oh well.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 11/2/2004
I know now that this is your daughter, perhaps the one who commented on my "Variation d". Give her a kiss from me for her wonderful comment on that photo. Best regards, Rafi
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/31/2004
Thankyou so much Jorge. I appreciate that.
Jorge Garcia
{K:8733} 10/31/2004
Excellent photo-art. Well made. regards
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/28/2004
Cheer up Kurt. Yesterday I had a rough day...and looks like you are having one today. Tomorrow will come...and with better luck than today.
Kurt LaRue
{K:5067} 10/28/2004
Judi, thank you so much for the laugh. I can use it today! : ) Kurt
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/28/2004
Kurt, you surprise me. I thought you would've realised my way of thinking by now....LOL!! You got it eventually.
Now please don't try to say the title more than 3 times...you will just get all confused and your cat will think you have been on the catnip...
Kurt LaRue
{K:5067} 10/28/2004
Judi, I've looked at this image several times over the last few days, but haven't commented until now. I think I needed to let the image sink in for awhile. My first impression was that this is too dark, but now I realize it has to be like this. It is obviously all about softness with the blurred face, the delicate clouds, the rippled water effect and the flowers. But it would not express the true beauty of femininity if it were brighter, IMO. Part of the magic is the dark, mysterious, hidden, secret qualities that are woven into the fabric of female. These are the intangibles that have both captivated and frustrated males since the Garden of Eden! This composite is quite an achievement to be able to capture the wonderful paradox of femininity. The only problem is that I've tried to say the title ten times fast, but I usually don't make it past three or four... lol Kurt
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/25/2004
Thankyou Ameed. Mr Dolman wanted the subtler colours. It was Dr Rafi that wanted the prettier model. Yes this image did involve a lot of work. I did however submit another image last night with a prettier model but I ended up removing it.
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 10/25/2004
Complicated picture, lots of efforts and lots of time spent on it, and it came out just perfect, i simply love it, i love the reflection, the composition, the effects, the background, and the side lite on Kita's face. I've checked Mr. Doman's comment and there is nothing in it about a prettier model!! i am against that .. first i find her really pretty and fits just fine in here, and if i was the one doing this picture, i wont select a pretty model that steal all the attention and the visitor just passing by my work noticing nothing but the model.
Judi, some might love your work, some might find something that they don't agree with in your work, but there is something for sure, no one can pass by your work .. and not paying attention .. very well done and keep up the good work, regards,
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/25/2004
Emmanuel my friend. You are too kind to me. I am very flattered.
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 10/25/2004
Very nicely done Judi, good job.
Emmanuel Panagiotakis
{K:6267} 10/24/2004
Judi very nice work looks like a dream with this Magnificent colors nice picture 7\7 Regards Emmanuel
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Thankyou Ferdinand. I wanted to achieve something beautiful and yet have a touch of mystery. It looks like I achieved it according to your comment. That is good.
{K:3516} 10/24/2004
There is a kind of combination of tranquility and storm in this photo, surrounding the person. Very impressibe photo-art, Judi.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Thankyou Stu. I kept both versions on file. I prefer the stronger tones also, but it just goes to show that everyone has different tastes.
S.D Holmes
{K:7156} 10/24/2004
very eerie composition judi - excellent manipulation and editting. Great reflections though personally i would stick to the brighter hues.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 10/24/2004
Dear Judi, I'm not offended, but even more sorry to have hurt your feelings about something so personal for you. You need not find something to please me unless you find it beautiful in your eyes also. Your friend in any situation, Rafi
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Yes Rafi, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Without offence to you, she is very beautiful to me and very feminine. She is my 7 year old daughter. I will try to aim for a more appealing model for you next time.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 10/24/2004
Sorry, Judi, I have to agree with Mr. Dolman's comment. Furthermore, I would have chosen a more beautiful model, but as you say about another photo of yours, beauty is in the eyes of the of... I can't be dishonest with you and I would not expect anything else from you either. Thank you for your your lovely comment on my "What is the time 2". I did both. I kept my hands on the camera and took my wallet out of my pocket to buy Rachel a watch as a present for some occasion, I don't remember which, but she liked it very much. I'll post it sometime. Best regards, Rafi
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Thankyou so very much my friend. I am so pleased that you like it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Wow, thankyou so much Jeanette. And here I was thinking I had gone right off the edge with this one. Thankyou.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/24/2004
Judi, my dear, that is anbeautiful compositie I like the impressie and the colours aroun Teunis
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 10/24/2004
As a fairy tail.... very mysterious and also romantic in the same tima.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Thankyou Abeer. I did use the feather tool. That is one tool I use the most. But, possible the effect I used on her has sharpened the edges more than necessary. I had kept her face soft intentionally, that part I can say.
I have adjusted the other areas as per your comment as well as reduced the colour as per Yannicks request and attached it for you. Hope you like it.

Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 10/24/2004
this is a creative picture and PS work But the face is too blure and harsh it can be noticed that u did not use the feather function while cropping the face its to strong on the borders i wish u can re do it again and enhance the small issues and am sure it will be superb work
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/24/2004
Thankyou Yannick. Yes you are right. I had tried for a more subtle color. I will work on that for next time.
Yannick Dolman
{K:559} 10/24/2004
Hallo Judi. Dein Photo ist sehr schön. Besonders die Reflektion im Wasser gefällt mir. Aber ich hätte die Blumen nicht so fest coloriert. Doch alles in allem ist es ein sehr schönes Photo. Gruss Yannick.