{K:10535} 2/16/2005
hi, taking another look at your porfolio... regards. isml. 7
Curtis Schur
{K:132} 10/27/2004
After you told me what this was I can see now what it is. If you didn't know, you'd be hard pressed to guess.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 10/26/2004
A very good creative shot, you can defenitly see the artist in you. Amazing dof, I can just feel that liquid about to pour out onto me. You have a great portfolio. Alison
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 10/24/2004
No movement whatsover Yee - I guess It is just the bouquet of the lens (if that is the right word).
{K:322} 10/24/2004
Great But somehow i see some motion goin on, did the person move the glass while u were takin the picture or just stayed there? :)
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 10/24/2004
I got the effect, Yee, by using a really low aperture with a nice colourful garden in the background for colour. Low aperture really helped me to isolate the subject.
{K:322} 10/23/2004
This is fantastic n unique! How did u get that effect ?
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 10/21/2004
Thanks for noticing Armando - nice of you.
I had a three week trip to Switzerland, France and Mauritius! All my spare time I was organising the images - 7 DVDs full to the brim.
Cheers, HB
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 10/21/2004
very nice
{K:42404} 10/21/2004
Heath!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice to see you again my dear friend!!!, this is an incredible pic and composition as always 7++++++++++++++++++ PS: why you was not uploading pics??
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 10/21/2004
its actually coke!
Beka C.o.
{K:650} 10/20/2004
Is it honey or tea? Very nice, just focused on the thing (whatever it is),like a glass im going to drink in front of my cross eyes which are trying to concentrate on the liquid. Real.
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/20/2004
Fantastic.. no ps work?? Amazing!! =)) Im very impressed.. youre good! I dont know what to say except Congratulations for a superb shot.. 7++ well deserved!!
Patrick J
Eva L.
{K:44} 10/20/2004
beautiful work!
Michael Holm
{K:7931} 10/20/2004
Here is looking at you ... very interesting image...