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alone at last ...
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Image Title:  alone at last ...
Favorites: 2 
 By: Leora Long  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Leora Long  Leora Long {Karma:11135}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Nikon FE
Categories Travel
Film Format
Portfolio Caribbean
Lens 20mm 3.5 Nikkor
Uploaded 10/1/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodachrome 25
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1306 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 43 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Jamaica   Jamaica
About ... somewhere in the Caribbean
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There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 5/17/2009
Dear Khaled, you have made my day with this glowing comment. I do not know how I overlooked it. I am much more focused now and doing photography 100%, so it is important for me to keep in touch.

Have a great day!


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 5/17/2009
Thanks, Dan. I love Jamaica...


Dan   TDFoto Dan  TDFoto   {K:8618} 5/17/2009
Wonderful shot.... intimate... and strong...well done.:)


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/20/2007
Thanks, Michalis. You can see why I loved your photo. The water intrigues me.


Michalis P.S. Michalis P.S.   {K:10136} 10/17/2007
Excellent shot. Very nice tones of blue and very good composition.
Well done,


Marks Film Marks Film   {K:374} 10/8/2006
Excellent shot there Leora. Everything just looks so right.
Well done



Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/4/2006
Thank you, Hakan. I appreciate your comment and high praise.

This was Kodakrome film, a combination of rich color and fine grain that digital cannot duplicate. I can only try in PS.


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 9/21/2006
Wonderful colors and very good photo! Congratulations Leora!


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 9/21/2006
Thanks, James. We were lucky to have a great film called Kodachrome 25. It was a dye process rather than emulsion. And deemed bad for the ecology.

You can still get K64 - more contrast and grain and hard to get processed.


Jimmy  Piper Jimmy  Piper   {K:5742} 9/15/2006
beautiful colours and great comp. i admire people that can produce a great shot from film. never used film myself, and often don't feel like a real photographer because of it..picked up a camera less than a year ago, but really love it..



Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 11/26/2004
wowwwwwwwwwwww.. wonderful sea!! Very very good!!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/16/2004
Very romantic, very beautiful & well composed! Many thanks for your comment :)


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 11/11/2004
Thank you, Samantha, for your generous praise.

I am so thrilled to hear that you already make short films.

I sort of thought you had a cinematic eye and so I am not that surprised. Good luck with all your projects.


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 11/11/2004
Thanks, Cindi. You cannot beat the caribbean blues. But I always use a polarizer in this type of situation to deepen the sky.

The boat was a lucky accident. In the right place at the right time. Seems to complete the romantic dream.

Thanks for your comments.


Samantha P   {K:1961} 11/10/2004
What a beautiful photograph and composition! You have a fantastic portfolio Leora! Your photos are amazing!


Cindi Czaja   {K:5314} 11/8/2004
Great shot Leora - I just love your angle of attack here. I love the lines within - horizon, boat and your framing of couple. Beautful blues. Well done my friend. Kind Regards, Cindi


Siddharth Siva   {K:3327} 11/8/2004
aww..thats fantastic..nice feeling of fun on vacation! nicely composed!


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 11/5/2004
Grazie, Davide, I can understand this one a little better. I will definitely have to get some help with my Italian. Best regards, LL


Davide Marchi   {K:9196} 11/4/2004
E con l'amore non si discute si prende e basta, molto intima e ben realizzata...ciao Davide


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/27/2004
Love this blue!Very romantic scene!

THank you
Kisses, Biliana


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/27/2004
Nice to hear from you Al Farrob. I will upload some more in this series. Glad you like it.

Peace, Leora


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/27/2004
OOPS! I forgot to log on. The last comment came from me. Hope you are doing well.

Peace, Leora


Bill Long Bill Long   {K:3306} 10/27/2004
Thanks Tahsin, great to hear from you.

Peace, Leora


Bill Long Bill Long   {K:3306} 10/27/2004
I think the imagery is awesome. It really establishes an atmosphere of romance and adverture.

Regards, Bill


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/11/2004
Thank you Aykan, I appreciate your comment --

I enjoyed a tour through your photography and was especially intrigued by your self-portrait.

Peace, Leora


al Farrob al Farrob   {K:4087} 10/10/2004


orwa juve orwa juve   {K:6059} 10/10/2004
so gr8 mood, nice blu


Timothy Schirmer Timothy Schirmer   {K:7201} 10/8/2004


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/7/2004
Thanks Carolyn, Alway great to hear from you and to look at your charming portfolio.

I love seeing the flowers next to the cars, and darling children - and love the boot.

Cheers, Leora


Tahsin Bakr Tahsin Bakr   {K:3298} 10/5/2004


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 10/4/2004
Very romantic and somewhere I would like to be..excellent!


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/4/2004
Thanks, Gary, for your generous comment.

I like your suggestion, but I am keeping the water. Just a personal preference - 'cause I was feeling it, too, standing right in it.

Peace, Leora


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/2/2004
Thanks Ameed, I see you and Gary prefer more of the panaromic approach. I considered it, too.

Just could not bring myself to crop any of that transparent, Caribbean water.

Peace, Leora


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 10/2/2004
Excellent capture Leora and great composition, i like the sharp colors, very nice and sensual indeed, btw i am with Gary in regard to the cropping, regards,


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 10/1/2004
Excellent shot Leora,lovely composition and colors
Many thamks for your kind remark on"Women chat"
I added you to my friends list
Best regards


Milan KORMAN Milan KORMAN   {K:1052} 10/1/2004
cool :) Excellent romantic blue mood :)


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 10/1/2004
Wow, Stefan. I should have known you would catch that.

I asked myself how can they really be alone with the me standing there ... the angle, as you suggest, was to give them their space and solitude.

And I just love the clear Caribbean ripples.

Thanks for the great comment, Leora


Aykan OZENER Aykan OZENER   {K:5996} 10/1/2004
Very nice image.Cong...


Gary Gantert   {K:2104} 10/1/2004
Really nice image.
I love the elements of the composition but I think it could be cropped a little.
The foreground gets distracting.
Here is a quick edit.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 10/1/2004
They really stand out in all those blue tones. Good angle to convey "alone" (the photographer doesn't count in assessing solitude I guess :-)


Noorvan M Prasetyo   {K:172} 10/1/2004
beautiful moment..nice colors too


- -   {K:2309} 10/1/2004
How romantic... Beautiful photo. Really love story.


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 10/1/2004
Hey Leora, this is a nice romantic capture with extremely beautiful colours and sensual mood. Great capture.




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