audra erin
{K:3837} 9/29/2004
wow..it is kind tombstoneish...heh
audra erin
{K:3837} 9/29/2004
creepy...I like it.
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 9/29/2004
yes, but i think this is a variation on the white picket fence, maybe the stepford wives version. ;)
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 9/29/2004
This picture is proof that it is the photographer not the camera that makes the photograph, but ........ I'm sure your new camera will allow you to further develop your vision. It will give you more control over the images you produce. Choose wisely and enjoy!
Ning Fandango
{K:1277} 9/29/2004
I thought it was tombs seeing the thumbnail - sorry. But the image does carry some loneliness/sadness because of, I guess, the cropping and turning into b/w. I was also thinking about the sharpness, well, the $50 camera. With that, you did a great job!
audra erin
{K:3837} 9/29/2004
errr...it's my camera...cheap point and shoot..lil digital...BUT..soon I'll have a NEW camera.. and the photo faerie will smile on mee.
audra erin
{K:3837} 9/29/2004
Ahhh...heh..."white picket fence"
audra erin
{K:3837} 9/29/2004
P.S. Reminds me of childhood. Trapped in your own backyard, waiting to be old enough to go play with the big kids.
Richard, that is too cool.
...I took this with a bottom of barrel $50 digital camera. I was on the roof of my brothers apartment building in Chicago..theres a deck and sun chairs up there...thought this was kinda neat. In about 3 weeks I'm finally able to buy a decent camera...can't wait. All I did was crop and put to grayscale... I love that it resinates with you..thanks.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 9/29/2004
Digital noise???? I'm not too high tech, on my monitor it looks like grain. You didn't use a Tri-X plug-in did you??? About the image ..... I like the strong vertical lines, and texture of the fence. As a film user I would have used a red filter to darken the blue of the sky, and increase the contrast in the clouds. Other than that I would do nothing different. Congrats on a fine image. P.S. Reminds me of childhood. Trapped in your own backyard, waiting to be old enough to go play with the big kids.
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 9/28/2004
i like it. somehow it reminds me of domesticity.
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 9/28/2004
Great perspective and fantastic b&w style! A very impressive shot. Congrats
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 9/28/2004
Nice frame, I like the contrast between the bright sky and the dark fence, it?s a pity that it has too much digital noise, especially in the sky (JPG compression or high ISO number, I don?t know). Simple but impressive photo. Bye Max