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Shadow XXIII
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Image Title:  Shadow XXIII
Favorites: 1 
 By: Stefan Engström  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Stefan Engström {Karma:24473}
Project #44 Shadows Camera Model Canon Powershot G3
Categories Others
Film Format
Portfolio Motion
Lens fixed zoom at 7 mm
Uploaded 9/22/2004 Film / Memory Type digital 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 459 Shutter 15s
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 17 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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Country - United States   United States
About For Emily Savva. Are shadows supposed to have faces?
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
Kostas Tzanetos Kostas Tzanetos   {K:22012} 11/12/2004
i like it very much,Stefan,and it somehow reminds me of my pic you last commented on ;-)
i think that shadows do have faces,but we humans can't see them - only other shadows can.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 10/24/2004


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 10/10/2004
this is nice too!!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 10/9/2004
No dear, they do not have faces... still try to explore their identity...This is my favourite of the series, I love this technique! Congratulations


Becky V   {K:9699} 10/2/2004
Ha! Well, *I* always thought some professional help would be a good idea! :-p


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 9/28/2004
Very interesting work Stefan!The sense of movement is incredible! Thank you for your comment!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/28/2004
Becky - another thing: I agree with you on the level of detail in the ground. I wanted to go slower than the 1/15 s I used but the aperture was maxed out at f/8 even with the handy little three stop ND filter that is built into the camera.

About the good idea - other backgrounds, not the professional help part :-)


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 9/28/2004
Great abstract!!!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/28/2004
Hey Becky - now *that* is a good idea!


Telmo Domingues   {K:9639} 9/27/2004
Emily wrote "THANK YOU for giving me doors to travel!!!!!!!!!" I believe that your style has something to do with it. You reveal new inner "ways" to walk aroud the "outer" world... With simple techniques, you break some walls of inner blindness... I'm not really sure about what I'm writing, but that's how I feel sometimes looking at your photos... There is a real scientist spirit behind these abstractions...
See ya! ;-))


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 9/27/2004
A most giddying shadow.
Nice to see your critique hilighted today.


Becky V   {K:9699} 9/25/2004
I have to admit I've had a hard time assessing this series, mostly because I couldn't articulate what I thought about it (even in my own head, where things kind of work themselves out without words . . . well, most of the time, anyway!).

To be honest, I didn't like this series at first. I think it's mostly because of the background. I completely understand why you used it - you need lots of little detail, plus sun and shadow to make the movement look more interesting. However, I feel the background is just too busy and too . . . identifiable to make a solid abstract (admittedly, an abstract might not have been your purpose).

That said, I like the last two photos of this series (XVII and this one). I like the higher level of distortion in the background (especially on XXIII) and how the shadow looks more disporportioned and monsterous. (I didn't see a thumbs up in XVII, but rather a hand reaching out to strangle someone. And yes, I'm thinking about seeking professional help . . .). I like the sense of accelerated motion in XXIII and how the shadow is a part of that motion.

I really like this idea (I'm always jealous of your ideas!) and I would really like to see you try it with different backgrounds, from pools of water, to perhaps a brightly painted/graffiti covered wall.


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 9/24/2004
This one seems to have a face as he seems to be struggling in his way through the windy evening.. This series is excellent.


drilan P   drilan drilan P  drilan   {K:12030} 9/23/2004
Votre série est bien belle ; très diffficile de dire laquelle est la plus belle, sinon par subjectivité ;)
Merci de votre commentaire, bien vu je crois; drilan


Sachiko Kanasashi   {K:3025} 9/23/2004
Dear Stefan,
Your new phots of shadow are
very cool and interesting.
Congratulations! Sachiko


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 9/23/2004
You have found a good technique in this series. It's a different look and leaves room for full play of the imagination.


emily savva   {K:21113} 9/23/2004
oh my god... a most treasured gift my friend... don?t know what to say.... and you know i absolutely adore this series... thank you soooooo much.... i ?m not sure about the faces of shadows but they do have souls of their own... and you captured perfectly the essence of their different sides!!!!!!!! THANK YOU for giving me doors to travel!!!!!!!!! emy




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