mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/23/2005
interesting image...like the abstract look to the composition.. good work! mary
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 5/22/2005
Wow, the perspective is realy great here, conceptual combine.
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 11/2/2004
bu fotografi nasil gorememisim, cok guzelmis, tebrik ederim
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 9/18/2004
it looks like a scene from a movie, very good moment, I like also the sky and tones
best regards, Pia :)
marmur-Marek Urbanski
{K:2307} 9/16/2004
Superb photo. Very interesting portfolio - congrats Aykan
Kelli Evans
{K:356} 9/8/2004
Fabulous light! Excellent!
Murat Koçer
{K:53} 9/8/2004
Sephia seçimi harika, tonlar ve renk geçişlerini çok beğendim. Fakat salyangozsuz halini de almış mıydın, çok büyük bir eksiklik yaratacağını düşünmüyorum. tebrikler.
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 9/7/2004
Deeply dramatic and stylish.
{K:651} 9/7/2004
Sevgili Aykan, Hoş bir fotograf olmuş. Bir de sokak lambasi olmasaydi, bence daha da mükemmel olacakti. Tebrikler ve başarilar. Alp
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 9/7/2004
Superbly odd. Did you eintend for the street lights to mimic antanae? Nice use of loooong depth of field. The snail is a little hero here.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/7/2004
perfect and touching colors!
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 9/7/2004
excellent shot.....perfect and touching colors....wonderful detail..what more can I say? really breathtaking.......

Silvia Festa
{K:6008} 9/7/2004
how beautiful winding day!
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 9/7/2004
Nice atmosphere produced!!I like those sephia tones and concept of the shot.Congrats.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 9/7/2004
oH!!!! Great work Aykan. I like so much it. Best regards, Benedetto.