Flatlinerbreath .
{K:98} 9/7/2005
Thanks. You would think they would hate the heat with all that fur. Cats are just crazy all around.
Judy Bodden
{K:1694} 9/7/2005
Wow... this is a good one. I love how they don't seem to care how hot it is outside. They bathe in the sun anyways until they practically bake.
Flatlinerbreath .
{K:98} 8/29/2005
Thanks! I do love my cats and they seem to like be photographed as long as I'm not using the flash.
Margie Takoch
{K:331} 8/29/2005
Hi Beautiful cat photo! You are a cat lover/photographer too! Margie
Flatlinerbreath .
{K:98} 11/30/2004
Thanks for the compliments! Her name is Chicken because she makes chicken noises and she is also very scared of everything.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 11/29/2004
This is truly "cat's eye view". Really nice focus on the face, while letting the bg go out of focus. And I love your cat's name!
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 9/4/2004
This is an awesome cat shot. A new favorite.