Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 12/8/2004
Stephen, thanks for the comments on this and my lily. Not many flowers around this time of the year and no snow for winter shots :-( Thanks for your interest. Best wishes, Larry
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 12/7/2004
Beautiful rose Larry, always great to return to someones portfolio, it is amazing how much you forget (not sure if it is my age or the 12hour shiftwork lol)
Lovely presentation also :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/2/2004
You just another rose is beautiful and look at that border you have come up with to make a great presentation. Great color and sharpness. Well composed. Don.
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 9/2/2004
Peter Thank you for the lovely poem. I consider it a positive comment. Larry
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 9/2/2004
It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to a young girl of thirteen it is a "Bouquet." It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to a young woman of eighteen it means "He Loves Me." It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to the young bride it means "Love everlasting." It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to the young mother it is a celebration of "Life." It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to the wife of twenty five years it means "He Still Loves Me." It is just a rose you say, a single rose. But to the grieving widow it is a kiss "Goodbye." A single rose you say.
Written by: Jennie Anderson June 4, 2000