Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/20/2004
Thank you John. I really like your portfolio. Your graphic design background shines though. Your images are very simple, yet complex in message. Very appealing.
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 8/19/2004
I think I like this image because of the interesting green color and the water/rust stains. I've been in places like this and your image moves me by bringing up memories I'd half forgotten.
Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/19/2004
Deb, thank you for your kind words. Perhaps you said it better than I, but I tried to explain myself in my response to Peter. To each his own.
Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/19/2004
I'm sorry that you don't find this picture of interest. But obviously you cared enough to write a note. When I shoot a photograph, I try to distill the subject down to it's simplist form. In this case, a small portion of a tin ceiling. I found the colors and pattern an interesting subject in and of itself. This ceiling represents what has become of a once vibrant and thriving town. Now it's a run down shell of it's former self. Perhaps this photo works better within the context of the other shots that I have taken threre, though I feel that it's strong enough to stand on it's own merit.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 8/18/2004
I like this very much, Ken - obviously more than Peter lol. It's interesting on its own and makes a nice abstract. Technically it's very well done.
I see photos as being of two levels (in an article or essay, for example): the stars that have all the feelings Peter's described, and the supporting players who add detail and structure. This is a detail shot, and a fine one. :)
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 8/17/2004
Good detail, but otherwise without interest .. context? Where taken? Motivation .. regards, Peter