Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/6/2004
I've gotten another similar comment, so you're not alone. The thing that I like about this shot is the feeling of yin and yang that I get from the greens in the fountain.
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 8/6/2004
It looks like the fish are floating above the water somehow. Still, I'm not sure this one has as much drama as I'm getting used to with your work. Maybe I'm looking too hard for the flash, not enough for the soul? I don't know. Ciao Hermano!
Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/5/2004
I'm an eclectic photographer. Sorry that this one doesn't do it for you.
Ken Haber
{K:1423} 8/5/2004
Thank you Michael.
Cleeo Wright
{K:565} 8/5/2004
Surprisingly straight for your work. Hmm.. This one doesn't quite do it for me.
Michael Sean Fleming
{K:2267} 8/5/2004
I like the line of shadow across your composition. I also like the unreal appearence of the orange goldfish.