Ray Witter
{K:6149} 7/6/2004
Pahl, Good Work, Who knows? maybe it could happen still. You did a excellent job of putting together and modifying the originial images, can't really tell its a composit, except for the context. Reguards, Ray
Lou Dina
{K:12194} 7/5/2004
Pretty cool composite. Nicely done. Lou
Robert Currie
{K:3241} 7/5/2004
Super work Pahl, if this photo was available 500 years' ago, America might not have been discovered! Have you shown this to the Flat Earth Society? ;-)
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 7/5/2004
Excellent digital treatment. Good work.One I hug of Portugal.
Pam Heisler
{K:4032} 7/5/2004
Excellent creation...
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 7/5/2004
good ps work what an imagination
Pahl Scharping
{K:163} 7/5/2004
Core image used in 'Edge of the Old World'

Pahl Scharping
{K:163} 7/5/2004

Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/5/2004
stunning 7
Pahl Scharping
{K:163} 7/5/2004
Core images used in 'Edge of the Old World'