{K:26787} 10/17/2004
Of course I had to check out this one as well. I prefer the earlier one with the eye contact. Interesting to see more of his products here, though. A good addition to the other image! Perhaps you could make some kind of a collage on this subject ... showing how a basket is made?
Harald Felgentreu
{K:2096} 9/27/2004
good shot! regards harald
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 6/15/2004
Hi Amna, NO, i don't mind at all .. actually i like your cropping. however, i think it's a bit oversharpened.
Still the composition is a not balanced .. unless i crop out the cane and that's exactly what i don't like to do. that's why i had taken several shots of him. today i should post one of them.
Many thanks to you Amna :)
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 6/15/2004
Wonderful documentry photo, I like the expression on this man face, very serious about his work. Did you consider to crop the lower part a bit? I allowed myself to do so, and I added some sharpness (hope you do not mind)

Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 6/15/2004
beautiful shot and texture.. its interesting that you took a picture of the same man 10 years ago..! :)
James Lee
{K:4790} 6/14/2004
Interesting subject matter and love the tone and texture. Composition compromised by cane in front of the man's face.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/14/2004
Very nice documentary photo, and as all your photos I find it really interesting! Well taken and great quality! Incredible really what people can learn to do!
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 6/13/2004
Many thanks for you Hugo for the valuable comment and suggestions .. i totally agree with you .. but those options were not possible as a slight move to the left would have shown the other man next to the basket maker.
i have other shots of the same basket maker. they show tighter views. i like this one as it shows a related surrounding plus the cane.
i'll post a tight photo of the basket maker soon. i photographed the same man 10 years ago .. it's here: http://www.usefilm.com/image/331981.html
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 6/13/2004
Another peace of art of yours Ned, well done, regards,
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/13/2004
Hi Ned, Excellent scene, very tranquil and a good reportive shot. I find the composition a bit unbalanced, as the man is looking to the left, whereas the most (empty) space is on the right.
Have you considered panning left a bit? I think it would give the man more room, and would perfect the scene.
Another option would be to select a landscape format, as panning left would also mean cutting of the man's cane, which is an interesting detail. The semi finished baskets in the foreground, just a bit soft due to the DOF are an excellent detail. It would also show more of the stuff that lies on the right hand side of the man.
Very good shot, though. I like those warm tones!
Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them alot.
{K:178} 6/13/2004