luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 6/12/2004
wow! great shot!
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/11/2004
My dear Sir, Your brief comment is well noted, however being a stage happening... I thought that the superimposing of a chandelier would improve. In hindsight simply the large negative space, and with some improved lighting, even within PS, would probably be best.
Thank you fo passing by. I simple capture what catches my eye, and fiddle with little skill.
Chance Aabron
{K:388} 6/11/2004
Far too underlit...
{K:6651} 6/10/2004
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 6/10/2004
excellent work
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 6/10/2004
What a perfect match of two captures. The candlelight does indeed look like the light source for the picture below as their skin glows softly with a hint of luminescence. A tender image.
Maria Grazia Rapisarda
{K:15898} 6/10/2004
Remarkable image In Transit!! beautiful the light much tenuous that schiarisce hardly the two donne!!coriste? Splendid the tonality, arrichisce of mystic the photo!! Excuse for English mine pessimo!
Notevole immagine In Transit!! bella la luce molto tenue che schiarisce appena le due donne!!coriste? Splendida la tonalitā,arrichisce di mistico la foto!! Saluti Maria Grazia
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/10/2004
Do have a look at an added comment, Gratia Gracias Merci Thank You Danke
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/10/2004
I have to add a comment received at another site: Howard Rosenberg on: 6/10/2004 6:46:43 AM I like the shot of the singers and piano. Subdued rather old looking and romantic. When making a composite like this it could only work if the light in both images match. As the upper image IS the light source this becomes even more important. I don't think that the light in the bottom image really looks like the candlelight is the source.
Photographer on: 6/10/2004 9:00:29 AM Mr Rosenberg! You are 'spot-on'! To be honest a comment as yours is valuable... as it makes me think... and stop... well like an accountant who completes his work... should sit back and say is it possible... did we really make or losse sooo much...
My only excuse is that this was after the very same dinner concert and it was one in the am... simply liked... but you are right... THANK YOU!
{K:16125} 6/10/2004
Candle light~Beautiful Women ~ Song ~ Music ~ sounds and looks like a lovely way to pass the evening away.... or perhaps the day.... Very different kind of photo...dark but mood inspired.... your creativity is wonderful! I like the two photos superimposed very very nice a new thing for me to try.....
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 6/10/2004
Vuoi imparare l'Italiano? Ti accontento....foto molto suggestiva e emozionante,bravo! Complimenti, Antonella
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 6/10/2004
excellent !
{K:4659} 6/10/2004
Immagine molto molto bella! Le figure delle donne suggeriscono molto bene l'ambiente della sala d'ascolto... e la lampada su in alto č la fiamma che arde per la gloria della musica. Congratulazioni Francesca
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/10/2004
Por Francesca!
Per favore, nell'italiano!
Ho bisogno di imparare e pratica, per l'italiano č per l'amore!
{K:4659} 6/10/2004
A lot much beautiful this image. The figures of the women as soon as pointed out suggest the atmosphere very of know it of listen... and the lamp on up is the flame of glory of music. Scusami for my vergognoso English. Regards Francesca