Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 6/8/2004
Is that why the vendor is a little boy, to make the little girl customers happy?
Keith Naylor
{K:13064} 6/7/2004
This one I don't get that strong compositional lead as in the trinket stall. Still a very nice photo though.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 6/6/2004
Chris, thanks for the encouragement. About not leaving comments, it could be just plain busy-ness. That's what's kept me silent for the last couple of weeks, not lack of anything to say. (Who ME? Ha, ha...)
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 6/6/2004
I'm with Hugo on this one ~ and the series, Roger! The guy on the stall looks bored out of his head! :>)) Another fine shot of everyday life in Tokyo! Kind regards, Chris P.S. I can never understand the views to comments ratio on UF! It's so easy to leave a comment ~ takes just a few seconds! ~ so why do so many (comparatively speaking) look and then not say anything?!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/6/2004
Hi Roger, Good triptych, the consistency between the three shots is very good. All quite open, "roomy" compositions. Apart from the unity in theme and subject, the unity in exposure and tonal range is very strong too. Very good series!