Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/10/2004
Becky - your detailed comments are always a delight to receive - thank you! She got this shirt all wet and went in for another, but as she came back out again (just a few minutes later), this light was gone... :-) f/2.8 can give you quite a lot DOF with these digital cameras with small sensors.
Becky V
{K:9699} 6/9/2004
I really, really, really like it. I'm partial to Trajectory 2 because the position and expression of the subject's face is far more engaging. The way she's looking into the camera is very gripping, whereas in the first photo, her eyes are half closed, giving her a sleepy feel, which doesn't really suit the kinetic effect of the water drops. I also like how the hose is pointed right at the camera in this photo, adding an element of playful danger to the scene.
I love how the drops are so clear! (They almost look like liquid mercury.) The sharpness of the water and the girl is great (especially at f2.8 - I'm assuming your lens choice gave you a bit of leeway with that). My one criticism is that I find the subject's shirt a bit distracting (especially all that text). It seems to clutter the photo a bit.
By the way, congrats on being picked for Photographer of the Day. Well deserved! :)
Tim Bronkhorst
{K:9391} 6/2/2004
Cool! The fast shutter, the frozen drops it's very cool. Just look at the drops hanging at her hand. I have to tell you, I saw this a copple of day's before and I went to try it myself at the swimming pool. Awsome!
Greets Tim.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 6/2/2004
i love both photos ,Stefan !!
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/1/2004
very nice idea Stefan and very well captured regards,Burak ps: Although it's very crowded and a little bit confused ,I am very happy to live in Istanbul,thank you.
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 6/1/2004
lovely capture!! congrats. G
c c
{K:13449} 6/1/2004
This is an amazing shot...you really have the eye!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 6/1/2004
The frozen trajectory seems to frame the little girl's face. Nice.
Johnny K
{K:12635} 6/1/2004
Excellent capture !!! Regards !
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 6/1/2004
...and I think I like this one more as her body language seems more focused and direct... the captured water droplets are perfect.
Sean Jolly
{K:323} 6/1/2004
I'm not sure what to say other than I like both of these photos - Trajectory 2 stands out for me though, possibly because it's a closer shot as well as because she's looking forward at the camera with a ever so slightly mischievous expression. The lighting on her face is perfect and certainly focuses you on her even though the water is directly in front. I have always liked the 'water drop' photos you see around, and this one just seems to add on to those.