Margaret Claws
{K:83} 7/11/2005
Excelent composition. nice colors and light
PhilCB 1973
{K:1894} 5/17/2004
This is awesome, simply awesome, I didn't see the sign post in the thumbnail, but it put a smile on my face when I did. The angles and overall composition are perfect, for me at least and the corner of the asphalt road mimic the light falling in to shadow on the wall inside the entrance...so much going on here, a delight for the eye to see...
Mark Drago
{K:10902} 5/12/2004
excellent Seven
JP Zorn
{K:533} 5/11/2004
Lovely. Great lines and layers. Very nice colors and light.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 5/10/2004
Very nice! I love the comp, colors and the emptiness. Good one! Carlheinz
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 5/9/2004
Again == excellent image -- the color and comp are spot on = has a quite feel of something waiting to happen - K