Ukasz, the image is great with the contrast between the real and drawn faces, and also the diagonal shadow creates a dynamic element. Whilst your friend has a street punk style she also portrays a certain classic beauty and elegance, quite lovely smiling eyes. I see you use the Zenit, I learned with the Zenit E, no subsitute for it. Jose commented about the jpg compression artefacts, if you can scan and work on the image in TIFF(a 'lossless' format) then only compress to JPG(which degrades the image every time you save) at the last minute for web this should not happen. Cheers, Ian
Excellent!!!! I can not understand it has only one comment... the people is blind! Very nice work, I enjoy it too much. You've done a beautiful job with expresion (so beautiful and natural in fact), lighting and composition. Is a pity the jpg quality is not the best, but I like so much the composition.