Leora Long
{K:11135} 6/13/2004
I love looking through your eyes. These kind of photos are the reason I got interested in photography in the first place. I especially like the solitary figure on a journey and the graffitti make it universal - could be New York or Europe. I started with street photography in NYC. 28mm on a Nikon. Pictures everywhere you turn. I would probably go nuts in Italy. Cheers, Leora.
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/8/2004
excellent work here. love the lighting and the textures in this tunnel. beautiful work.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 4/29/2004
Beautiful lighting and composition.
Libero Api
{K:12174} 4/29/2004
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 4/25/2004
excellent image
PhilCB 1973
{K:1894} 4/24/2004
Excellent capture
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 4/19/2004
WALT una sola parola STUPENDA. i riflessi sul pavimento sono eccezionali. Ciao Paolo
Cesare Arigliano
{K:3146} 4/19/2004
Bellissima immagine. Complimenti!
Domenico Pescosolido
{K:10022} 4/19/2004
Ottima questa prospettiva in bianco e nero.
Diego Ruggiero
{K:10659} 4/19/2004
OH... another great shot Walt!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 4/19/2004
Great lighting...excellent exposure...beautiful shot....regards...Clifton....
dani mesk
{K:1409} 4/18/2004
davvero di ottimo effetto1
donato r.
{K:16361} 4/18/2004
Eccellente la composizione! Magnifico il contrasto (Specie nella pavimentazione)! ciao donato
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 4/18/2004
"fuori dal tunnel"... bellissima.. anche senza colori vai fortissimo....
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 4/18/2004
Walt ma man! Do I like this??? heheheheheheh Of couse I do! The reflex of light ond the floor sins the bottom of the photo adds extra perspective to the shot. This is great Italiano!!!!! ;-)))))
Paola Pandolfini
{K:1176} 4/18/2004
Grande momento! Anche io sarei curiosa di vederla a colori!
Giuseppe Ronchetti
{K:532} 4/18/2004
Bellissima anche questa come del resto quasi tutte le tue
Rabat Tabar
{K:3948} 4/18/2004
nice shot
{K:42404} 4/18/2004
this picture is one of the best design, the graffitis in the walls are wonderful. congratulations
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 4/18/2004
Excellent image Walt. Thought I wanted to see more detail in the tunnel but when I lightened a copy in photoshop, it was distracting. So well done :)
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 4/18/2004
Fantastica foto, gran trabajo , me encanta la perspectiva una foto inteligente. besos anne...
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 4/18/2004
wow, wow wow, what a beauty! Everything in this shot is perfect. Great exposure, superb light, excellent contrast and.....what I like most of all are the many beautiful details like the light on the tunnel walls, the paintings on them, the pattern on the road and others. Excellent perspective. Outstanding work, Walt. Sei fenomenale. Questa mi piace un sacco e la metto tra le mie favorite. Emgy
riflesso Greta
{K:444} 4/17/2004
Bellissimo B/N Walt, lo sguardo corre veloce verso la luce e la figura suggestiva in fondo.
Ivan Møllebjerg
{K:6079} 4/17/2004
Really excellent composition, the end of the tunnel placed to the millimeter, in order to guide the eye through. The reflections...left you actually see the grafitti, right you see the grafitti through the reflections, and at the end of the tunnel there is a pedestrian breaking up the highligt you are bound to get on a shot like this. Walt......great work!!!! Ivan
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 4/17/2004
Very creative and well done.
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 4/17/2004
you give us some light steps to better find the way out :)
agree with Hugo, no place for me at night...
Cheers, Verena
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 4/17/2004
Great shot with wonderful tones and contrast. I can see the moisture on the wall. Very nice!
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 4/17/2004
Sublime lavoro Walt.Indicatissima la scelta del B/W.Pregevoli anche quei bellissimi giochi di luci creti sul pavimento e dentro il tunnel. Saluti
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 4/17/2004
good angle and balance
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 4/17/2004
Great shot, Walt. Your timing and comp are perfect.. K
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 4/17/2004
Estupenda foto en blanco y negro. Muy sugestiva.
Robert Currie
{K:3241} 4/17/2004
Hi Walt, wondering where you've been, now we know :). I like the way the frame forces one to examine the weary-looking person with bicycle and later to look around slightly claustrophobic. Good stuff! Rob
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 4/17/2004
bianco nero molto affascinante, però penso che i colori dei murales ben esposti all'interno della galleria avrebbero reso molto a colori, appunto
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 4/17/2004
Very nice lighting Walt that support the wall's texture! Great, very artistic work!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/17/2004
Hi Walt, Nice tunnelview. I like the transition between dark and bright alot. Well exposed, and a very good composition. Not a place to wander in late at night.... My compliments!
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 4/17/2004
Hi Walt, I like this one very much, in my favourites..