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Look what I Caught
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Image Title:  Look what I Caught
Favorites: 0 
 By: Stuart Mackay  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Stuart Mackay  Stuart Mackay  {Karma:4551}
Project #27 Your best photograph! Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Nature
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Nature
Lens Canon 75-300mm USM IS
Uploaded 4/16/2004 Film / Memory Type Sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 572 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About Caught this fish at the local park .... but I had some help.. :-).... Please give me some feed back ... and thank you my friends for any comments...
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger López   {K:52} 6/10/2004
If you have Photoshop installed, you should have Adobe Gamma. You can open that from the control panel and use it to calibrate your monitor.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 5/25/2004
This is another lovely image... kinda the whole meal deal! I like the fact that his whole body is in the frame but I think there might be a little too much head room... you can probably crop the top inch or two off and it really puts the strength and focus on that fish!
Love the DOF you've got here... the green water is lovely as a background to this blue heron and orange fish!


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 4/24/2004
This shot is so cool Stuart, well executed,perfect timing, So much of good photography is just waiting for the right moment to push the shutter release,excellent capture.



Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 4/20/2004
Well captured..excellent shot...superb lighting and composition.....


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 4/17/2004
Sorry to hear about your back - I bet that lens takes a little lugging around as well :-) I don't work with a "properly" calibrated monitor myself, but at least for CRTs and possibly for TFTs there are little sensors you can put on the screen and software controls the screen and analyzes the results. The cheapest ones are around $100, "Spyder" is a name I seem to remember. Altaf wrote an article about it here, not sure if it is still around. I'm assuming I'm okay for the two TFT monitors I use are very similar, plus digital prints come back much like I expect them to. Good luck.


Stuart Mackay Stuart Mackay    {K:4551} 4/16/2004
Thanks Stefan.
The original pic was kind of light and washed out since I took it early in the morning and the sun was not directly above me .... Kind of like a morning haze. I just hit the auto level button in ACDSee and posted it as a quickie. I've had allot of trouble with my back lately and it's put a damper on my picture taking and computer time. I've been really wanting to get out and shoot ... I hate to sound like a wimp but holding the camera and trying to get that perfect shot is not helping the old back. hehehehehehehe . Plus I got a new Toshiba 17" wide screen notebook and my pictures look totally different on it compared to my Dell 19" flatscreen desktop, what I think looks great on the Dell is toooo over powering on the notebook and what looks Incredible the notebook looks like crap / dull on the Dell...... do you have any knowledge on how I can calibrate the monitors. I have dual 21? Sony flatscreens at work that are both set exactly the same yet still the pic?s look different in each one ? mmmmmm ?. I?m really frustrated about this?.. Sorry for such a long note?..

Thanks, and once again you take such great pix



Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 4/16/2004
Great job with the backlight - love the way the fish became almost translucent (a little hot in fact but not a biggie), and still you have enough light to show color and detail in the bird.


Gerry Pacher Gerry Pacher   {K:7303} 4/16/2004
Dear Stuart, this is a fantastic wildlife composition. You had your camera to the right time in action. Congratulation for this excellent work.

Regards, Gerry


Vince Cianci   {K:2505} 4/16/2004
Amazing colours! Excellent capture!


BILL MAHLER   {K:5882} 4/16/2004
Hi Stuart .......Outstanding nature photograph. I like the filling of the frame. It is excellent in every way. ... congrats.


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 4/16/2004
Stuart, the backlighting in this shot is beautiful, and the exposure excellent. Great shot. Lou


Stuart Mackay Stuart Mackay    {K:4551} 4/16/2004
Thank you ..... I am just an amateur photographer having fun ... and I love your pix too... keep up the good work


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 4/16/2004
brilliant :)




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