I am now receiving requests to take portraits of friends and their children based on an experience that lacks such work. I would like to know what works with this image of a friend and how I could have improved it. I used an 3M Olympus and available light through a south facing window and a white brick wall as a backdrop. I now have a 5M Olympus (C5050) and expect there could be some improvement were I to retake this series with a higher resolution camera. My approach is to use ambient light, but suggestions on improvements using artificial light also appreciated. Exif info: 1/60S, f/2.8, ISO=150, no flash
Lori, thank you for your comments. And, yes, I believe they will help. I will try to avoid armpits in the future, even if they belong to a friend. I'm not so sure about what to do about the lipistick, but it's still a good thing to know. In addition to being my friend, Elsa is also my Yoga instructor and following the class I took some posed shots, none of which I felt worked (I leave one as an attachement). This was taken while she did some cool down exercises and was spontaneous; sort of an unposed pose and was a shot she favored. I cropped the original so it is no longer obviously a Yoga position. And I agree, the camera angle was too low; I was kneeling on the floor and she was standing. I suppose I was overcompsating for the differences in our heights. Thanks again, Mister Ken
Well, I think this photo looks pretty good, but after reading Lori's critique, (very interesting)I think I'm going to go pick up a book myself! Lots to learn! Carolyn
At least you ask for help, and that's a good thing. Portrait work really needs a bit of study, for posing and lighting. Pick up a good book in your camera store or Amazon.com.
First of all subject is underexposed, background is overexposed. Her pose is awkward, needs to be more natural. She is leaning back too much (look at the strain in her neck) and she is awewardly leaning to the side. Not good to show her armpit. Have her blot the oil off her face. And if possible, frosted lipstick usually isn't the best choice. It reflects too much. The camera angle is a bit too low, expecially considering her pose. In some books you can learn about 'male head tilts vs. female head tilts'....body language... Hope this helps a little bit. You can always photograph her again, since she is a friend!!!