City - Ellicottville State - NY Country - United States
I cropped image slightly, converted to grayscale in PS, made small curves adjustment and then applied quadtone.
(I had intended for this to be a color image, but I accidentaly had the camera on 'tungsten' setting for white balance and it threw the color way out of whack... so I did as a B+W quadtone. maybe with some more work in PS i can get a usable color version)
Hi Jeremy, thanks for the explanation and the narrative on the changes. I don't think you need to bother about going back to colour, the quadtone and the foggy background create a very strong atmosphere, emphasised by the "missing" horizon. I like the composition, and the sullen look of the gigantic beast. The crispness is perfect. So no need to change it, I think this is as good as they get....