ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 3/28/2005
Good composition. Great shot. I like it.
Sauro Marini
{K:3427} 3/28/2005
bellissimo bi-cromatismo! avrei cercato di raddrizzare le linee cadenti che in una foto così geometrica - secondo il mio pensiero - dovrebbero essere perfettamente parallele ai bordi; è comunque una bellissima ricerca di geometrie colorate ciao, sauro
Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 6/16/2004
wonderful composition and color balance!
Best regards, SteveR
Sean D.
{K:2361} 4/9/2004
Good shot, nice unmanipulated shot and red door almost unnaturally not in the photo.
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 4/7/2004
Nice composition! It's a impressive photo. Congrats, Taras. Regards.
Devin Davenport
{K:11} 4/2/2004
Im in love with the lines and It caught my attention right away. There are lines every where and every color is enclosed in a set of lines. great.
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 4/2/2004
Fine detail...very nice composition...the red door really gives this a special effect...great eye...
{K:10691} 4/2/2004
a good contrast and balance of the coulor.walt.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/2/2004
Nice shot with the grey and a red door. It?s a pitty that the line isn?t straight. Jeanette
Priyadarshi Sinha
{K:7238} 4/2/2004
lovely perspective and contrast ... truly partitioned into two color zones .... just a sugession though .. crop out the top and bottom bit .. to me its just a distraction within a great image ... well done :))