Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/9/2005
Hi Lori, I was surprized myself... If only you haven't told me that, I've never known why I had lots of comment on this ones... Gosh, I've never goes through the front page you know :) Well, all are night shoots, as a 'night owl', lol
Thank you so much my friend... Thanks for all your support!!!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 4/8/2005
HI Sony,
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!! On the front page....WOW WOW WOW!!!
And TWO pictures, good for you.
This is a nice photo...how did I ever miss this one? :( Very nice :)
Hope you're having a good day/evening Nightowl!
Lori :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/8/2005
your is big.. see you later! roby
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/8/2005
nice, elegant street scene.
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/8/2005
Thanks Roberto, that's a better presentation of my picture. Thanks. By that time I don't really know how to tweak the curve :)
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/8/2005
Yes indeed my friend. Well, as you've said, fail and learn from it..... Thanks!
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/8/2005
Bener kok mas, 25 detik. Sekitar 1 stop over. Kelamaan sih, maklum masih baru (waktu itu, he..he..), kameranya disimpan di atas jembatan (lupa bawa Tripod)...
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 4/8/2005
nice image.. like the "street" scene.... good work
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 4/8/2005
Ah, congratulations, my friend! You've made it. One step ahead on becoming a better photographer...:)
Joko Nugroho
{K:480} 4/8/2005
Hi, bagus banget gambarnya mas. Shuternya 25 detik, ndak kelamaan tuh? Salam UF.
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/8/2005
Yes Indeed Subhash, that's why we're all becoming UF members... First hand lessons from the masters....
Thanks! Cheers!
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 4/8/2005
Nice shot & all those comments from the experts is a good learning experience,cheers,Subhash.
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 4/8/2005
Thank you Mas, ini waktu masih baru-baru foto-foto.... jadi masih kepikiran kalau pergi-pergi mesti bawa lensa panjang/zoom, he..he..he makanya hanya bisa shoot satu pojokan saja... Thanks lho mas, salam hangat juga...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/8/2005
hello.. a nice mode and cut for this cityscape! for the romantic food moment.. nice the colors so hot! is so strange 25 sec for time of exposure.. also I task that had to be balanced the white man in more perfect way! I must also say that the colorazion warm of the lamps - or "the natural" light of the moment - it is always fascinating. to the next one roby
just a different exposure.. |
arif GAM
{K:760} 4/8/2005
asyik mas keren warna kuning ke jingganya kena bgt..speed lambat pastikan oranya lagi diam aja..ini soal feeling..mungkin aku juga gak tepat bgt ya...mungkin pula untuk menangkap gerak /efek dinamis..boleh juga sih!..salam hangat dari saya!
Tom Crowning
{K:426} 3/15/2004
PS: just click on the small thumbnail of the attached photo to get the full sized version
Tom Crowning
{K:426} 3/15/2004
Hi Sony, some comments about this photo and some more general comments: - with digital cameras, long exposure photos tend to get a yellow/brown cast. Either do a custom white balance are correct the color cast with your photo software. Easiest (and most accurate) way is to shoot RAW and correct later (without any quality loss) with your RAW-converter software
- avoid too much elements in one single photo. The human eye (or, to be more precise, the human mind) automaticly searches for the key elements in a scene. If you don't have any key elements (your photo is an example) or if you have too many of them the eye wanders restless over your photo without finding something to rest. When you want to make a photo, first search and decide for your main element and how to isolate it from the cluttered background/scene. - when you have diagonal elements in your photo, try to place them in a way that they are coming from the corners of the frame. Additionally diagonals are a very good and strong element to lead the human eye to your main element. If you'd had a building or a ship or whatever in the right upper part of your photo the eye would automaticly been lead to this element by the diagonal wall and the diagonal stairs on the right side.
Find attached a quick modification of your photo to illustrate what I mean. I hope you don't mind that I slightly modified your photo. Best wishes, tc