Gabino Matus Jr
{K:2075} 8/28/2006
Amazing colors and light. It's like I'm looking at gold!
Barry Walthall
{K:5312} 3/19/2004
I like your commentary on this image....it's interesting to understand the thought process...and I really do like this image...it turned out wonderful.
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 3/10/2004
I like it too, but I think I would like to have seen the wheat focused a little sharper. Yeah, I know, easier said than done.
tom rumland
{K:14874} 3/10/2004
naahh, forget the thirds. this looks great as is. not sure that it would look any better if offset to either side. it doesn't look like there's much to offset against other than the background. great shot!
btw, can't wait to see how your light experiment came out. come on, post it, we all get gushy every now and then ;^)
take care, tom
Alan Armanini
{K:5407} 3/9/2004
Jim, Great Shot, Wonderful light, and very Original. Beautiful Work!!!
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 3/9/2004
the lighting is very beautiful.congratulations,Burak