{K:519} 6/17/2006
Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 7/7/2005
Great picture! I like Paint Shop Pro too.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 6/21/2005
a great amazing perfect nice well done photo...
shadows, reflection, transparency , texture and colors make me speechless ,,,
sure 7 or 7 million,
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 6/21/2005
This is our first, but hopfully not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm Mr.(?) Hanchevici. I put the question mark becaus from your name I could not tell if you were male or female and you put no photo of yourself on your page. I tried twice to open your web-page, but both times the page was unavailable. Perhaps another time. From your e mail address I think to be able to infer that you are Turkish, but the photos I opened and I opened most of your photos, show me that at least now you are traveling and your latest photos are from Canada. From all your magificent photos I opted to comment on this one because I thing that behind its ostesible simplicity lies a great sense for beauty and besides, I've been told more than once that simplicity is one of the secrets of beauty in art. I also think that it takes courage to post this photo, just as I think that it took courage to post your "White." In both cases your courage seems to have paid off. You are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio. In the meantime I thank you for your ver generous comment on my "Grinch." Best regards, Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future communications) Springmann
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/24/2005
hello Calin.. fantastic shot, also fabio have a great reason, is so minimalistic and perfect also in the contrast of colors! the texture and the fantastic DOF is so wonderful! my best wishes, roby 7+
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 2/4/2005
VERY cool shot. It gives me ideas! the light is beautiful and captures the wonderful texture of the paper.
Regards, megan
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 1/31/2005
Thank you Curtis for your comment. This photo is part of a serie 'Immitation of life'; you can see the complete serie on my website.
regards, calin
Curtis Feather
{K:5130} 1/31/2005
This is very intriguing and well shot. Formally it has an interesting composition, great textures in the carpet, and nice tones. But there is another side, a conceptual side to it, which is furthur brought out with the title. Nice work.
moataz k. elkateb
{K:4971} 1/12/2005
wow very creative shot..very clear..great lighting and composition I LIKE IT very much... very well done calin. thanks alot for your comment..I think you are right. regards moataz
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 1/11/2005
Hi Judi , i use PSP 8 for this one but now i've upgraded to v 9.0
regards, calin
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 1/11/2005
Wonderful work. What version of PSP do you use?
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/9/2005
A simple but very effective graphic art shot !! The tiny drop beside the big one could have been removed.. Peter
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 1/8/2005
Thanks for your thoughts.
Sam: I used 'Magic Wand' selection to select the drop, then invert the selection , desaturation, invert selection (come back to drop) modify curves
regards, calin
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 1/8/2005
what was the exact manipulation?
{K:4565} 1/7/2005
very very nice idea and composition !!!
Daryl Walter
{K:399} 3/6/2004
Not normally my cup of tea but I quite like this. Looks like the big blob is about to gobble up the little blob :)
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 3/5/2004
A real minimal-art work! Excellent!Creative and clever shot!Congrats!
Johnny K
{K:12635} 3/5/2004
Very good composition !!!
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 3/5/2004
Thank you all. Stefanos: I wasn't very sure about the tiny spot and I decided to let it there. Would it be better without it?
Subata Kitano
{K:2717} 3/5/2004
perfect. but what's the tiny little spot doing there (besides the big)? :)
Bikramadittya G. Roy
{K:7202} 3/5/2004
Cool! Cheers.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 3/5/2004
perfectly minimalist and minimalist perfect :)