I had recently traded my EOS bodies for the D30 and deciced to have a walkabout in the market. It was a grey day so I experimented with the D30s film speed settings, etc.
Ray, read your comment to Alisa, about PS. I really appreciated this comment, as I'm trying to use PS a bit to correct either photo mistakes or scanner problems. Thanks. I do have a question. My son was asking me to go to a Farmer's Market we have in a close by town every Sat. morning to photo people in a people environment, but I was afraid that without a model release, I may get into trouble if posted or published. I've been wondering about this problem with capturing people I don't know. He says as long as you are on public property it's alright. Do you know the guidelines on this subject? My e-mail: groffphoto@cox-internet.com
really nice frame and very nice lighting...the left arm is and isnt distracting...wish there was a bit more of the body included in this frame but non the less still a very good image...