I've taken heed of everyone's comments on my "listing" pictures and straightened this one out before I put it up. There wasn't any way to fit more reflection in,unfortunately. I've always liked the play of branches across and against buildings, just my preference. Is it distracting or generally poor form? I find myself puting up my older pictures to see if what I'm going after is what I should be trying for.
Gary, I'd love to post more images but I'm so completely frustrated with my scanning capabilities at present that I'm loath to put anything more up until I can purchase a scanner of my own --- I currently use the one at the office after hours. I'm working on my vision of "The Incredible Edible Egg". I should have those pics developed shortly but that d%#* scanner. Sigh....
Dawn I think the branches work very well here...some times they dont and some times they do; each scene has to be assessed for what it is and the impact of each element on each other to make a total image in each new instance....this image is framed well and the lighting is nice for this scene....you did a nice job on this Dawn..... No there are no rules except one...to make an image as good and powerfull as you can...wether its an egg or an elaborate still life or whatever.....you'll fit it all in....