hi vivek...when you begin to shoot...think about what you want to convey. You can use the camera to take pictures that document your surroundings such as above. You can use the camera to create a mood and emotion. You can use the camera to convey ideas and thoughts. You can do these separately or all together of course. When you have time to setup and shoot think about what you want the viewer to feel and remember that all they get is the photo. U have to find some way to convey sight, sound, mood, memory, texture, lighting, emotion, thought etc. on this piece of flat paper or screen. It's a tall order but keep shooting and submitting. the techniques that allow you to do this will come with practice. That's my ramble to help a bit i hope. We are all learning so keep em coming!
When looking at this shot, I am trying to focus on what you are trying to show us. The only thing i can assume is the view isn't the best from your apartment. Maybe if you centralize your theme on this it may be better accepted. Keep it up and keep coming back! We love new members and ideas!!! Later my friend,