Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/16/2005
...jos jedna od sarajevskih ikona... Odlicno!
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 8/16/2005
...jos jedna od sarajevskih ikona... Odlicno1
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 4/22/2004
He thinks that he has found something in the 'real world'.
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 3/2/2004
Great portrait with good tonal range and spot on focus. Find the plant a bit distracting but this could easily be removed. Best regards, Graham.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 1/15/2004
wowwwwwwwww.. lovely portrait, wonderful job, good!!
Sandra Bozic
{K:3963} 1/15/2004
....yes. Sadly, there's TOO MUCH of abanded helples broken destinies which other just watch pasing by... =/
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 1/8/2004
dear tomo, another great portrait. a little distorted by the leaf growing out of the cap. maybe some cropping could improve the picture to normal perfection? thank you very much for your comment on 'there was a place in la mancha' regards charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 1/8/2004
Excellent work Tomo.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/8/2004
Great atmosphere. Hvala za lepe komentare i za podrsku za prvu samostalnu izlozbu :-). Bice nadam se i druga i treca a Novi Sad nije preko sveta i bice mi drago da Vas pozovem na sledece izlozbe.
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 1/6/2004
his eyes say everything. Nice portrait Tomo.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 1/6/2004
Nice portrait!Just a bit distracting at the background flower(?)
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 1/6/2004
Excellent expression,a face from the true world. Regards jorge
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 1/2/2004
beautiful portrait shot !I like it a lot ! Regards Caprice
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 12/30/2003
Yes this is the real world and it doesn't look like it has very kind to this fellow. Wonderful human interest in this photo. Nice exposure and wonderful pose. Don. Happy New Year to you and your family. Don.
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 12/29/2003
when I was a kid I used to look at tramps and thought they had a good life just drifting around. I have lived my life as if being a tramp is the worse it can get well I am ready for it. Some of them look very healthy for living it rough...good pic Tomo regards roger
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 12/29/2003
The whole real world in one Great portrait! Great, Tomo! Very expressive! Regards, Alexey
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 12/29/2003
Great portrait well composed.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 12/29/2003
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/28/2003
magnificent.in my fvorites.
{K:7957} 12/28/2003
Great portrait.Regards
Mario Studer
{K:1821} 12/24/2003
Excellent portrait. I wish you a very beautiful christmas and a happy new year. Mario
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 12/23/2003
Excellent portrait Tomo...Very strong indeed
Kang Cao
{K:1019} 12/23/2003
Outstanding work!!!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 12/22/2003
Great!!! Great!!! Great!!!!! Best regards, Alberto
Andrej V
{K:6693} 12/22/2003
Hi Tomo,
It will allways be a plesure looking at your portraits! I hope we will se a lot of them in 2004!
I wish you merry Christmas, a happy New year and as many good shots as possible in the becoming year 2004.
Regards Andrej
Anna Dill
{K:3872} 12/21/2003
fantastic depth and detail. Nicely done.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 12/21/2003
Your portraits are always so characteristic Tomo. This one is really great! Regards, Diana.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 12/21/2003
Another great! Very good effect also here and surely a very interesting face.
Ola Svensson
{K:2651} 12/20/2003
awesome pphotography.
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 12/20/2003
its good, but it could have more pace in the down part just the space over his head... best regards
donato r.
{K:16361} 12/20/2003
Eccellente ritratto...magnifico il B&W ed il contrasto!!! ciao donato
Roy V
{K:13082} 12/19/2003
Tomo, Amazing! "perfect 10, Again" Roy
Dave M
{K:9043} 12/19/2003
Love the grain and the expression. The tonal values here are just incredible. The only thing I'd wish for is a bit less DOF to draw more focus on that great face. Well done.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 12/19/2003
The "real" world is what we make it too be - we in the western world with all our power. .-) Great portrait once again.
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 12/19/2003
Such strength of character! Excellent capture! Exquisite work!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/19/2003
fice stars work... regards!!!
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 12/19/2003
Tomo did an masterpiece as usual ;) Great!
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 12/19/2003
Ahhh your portraits are always wonderful!!! Regards, Tomo!
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 12/19/2003
Excellent man portrait. Regards Orazio
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 12/19/2003
Gret portrait: He looks like a sealord. Bravo and regards from Jan
altur .
{K:6087} 12/19/2003
I loved the first "version" of this photo, but I think I like this one even more. Great PS work as well (if there is any). You captured another story of a life. Congrats, Alex
Mirko Saviane
{K:4588} 12/19/2003
Great expression
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 12/19/2003
very nice portrait and composition :)
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 12/19/2003
This is the real world and I want to come in there!!! Very strong and beautiful portrait, the frame and the toning are good, his expression and his eyes are superb, as you know, I like your photos because every subject tells me a story and this has a very long one to be told. Max
xy x
{K:41915} 12/19/2003
if he is a stray (just guessing) than he must be a king..:)...his cap had a holes and shirt clasped with buckle, but he don't care about the clothes, he had a dignity of own, and his eyes emitted grandeur, fantastic portrait, congrats, best regards
Shigeyuki Mohara
{K:4753} 12/19/2003
Wonderful portrait! Regards,Shige
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 12/19/2003
excellent image
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 12/19/2003
Great gritty, real-life portrait!
Ulf Fĺgelhammar
{K:10975} 12/19/2003
A great portrait Tomo! The real world? Well, we are all a part of it So let?s make it better /U
Kurt Yang
{K:967} 12/19/2003
the tone is super. Great one. ( I didn't say great often).
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 12/19/2003
yes it is... fantastic tomo, lovely texture
{K:5996} 12/19/2003
Super portrait.
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 12/19/2003
A sad place, as demonstrated by the expression on those eyes. Great capture, Tomo!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 12/19/2003
really nice portrait!
{K:848} 12/19/2003
very good... excellent face
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 12/19/2003
An excellent people capture, soft, well toned and composed beautifully, very good work.
Andrej V
{K:6693} 12/19/2003
Beautiful portrait! Fantasticen portret!!!
Have a nice day, A
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 12/19/2003
Great portrait!!!
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 12/19/2003
Yes the real world and you capture it so well excellent portrait and pose.
Helder Santos
{K:3505} 12/19/2003
Tomo, bela foto...
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 12/19/2003
Beautiful! Your portraits always catch the essence of the person! Regards, Rhonda
{K:30945} 12/19/2003
wow.. Tomooooooooo.. wonderful and expressive portrait ;-) Kiss, biliana
Alberto Calheiros
{K:2647} 12/19/2003
Fantástico retrato! Parabéns!
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 12/19/2003
traditionaly very good portrait, regards
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 12/19/2003
Eccellente ritratto, molto espressivo e d'effetto. Complimenti sinceri.
) Augusto - Italy
{K:1989} 12/19/2003
Yes, It's real word..
{K:26787} 12/19/2003
Thank you, Tomo; great work as usual!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 12/19/2003
great portrait
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 12/19/2003
this is a great portrait
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 12/19/2003
Beautiful portrait Tomo!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 12/19/2003
I like this very much (remove the distracting plant behind his head and perfection!)I am new to site and found your portfolio via this one and you must know that you have a very good eye...your portraits are very professional and personable...thanks for recording the real world - Gayle
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/19/2003
{K:7957} 12/19/2003
Excellent portrait,as usual.Regards
Antonio Osorio
{K:2317} 12/19/2003
Excellent portrait. Great expression, well done. Congrats. A.O.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/19/2003
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 12/19/2003
splendido ritratto!!
Ola Svensson
{K:2651} 12/19/2003
strong photo, thats really speaking out. I like it, keep it up, i like most of your portraits.
Dino Correia
{K:1980} 12/19/2003
Great moment, nice picture
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 12/19/2003
Superb portrait as usual! Great!