Sulejman Omerbasic
{K:270} 3/9/2005
ovo ko radioaktivni fantom iz opere svidja mi se kako je ispalo
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 2/3/2004
Interesting portrait! Nice effect!
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 2/1/2004
Ha, malo negativa, malo pozitiva. Jesam li u pravu? Izvrsna tehnika. 7/7 ------ Ma bio sam opet juce na V. Bosne, i sada imam zalihu slika za cijeli februar. Jarane, smrznuo sam se ...... Sad se grijem uz radijator i monitor. Pozdrav, Nedim.
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 2/1/2004
interesting Tomo..I take it this is an effect and not some mutaion..regards roger
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 2/1/2004
VEry nice again. Here more metalic texture at the body. Very interesting result especialy at the lighting parts of the face.
Sandra Bozic
{K:3963} 1/31/2004
...interesting version from Augusto as well :)
Sandra Bozic
{K:3963} 1/31/2004
Yeap! :)
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/31/2004
This one is excellent too! The face, the expression, this artistic style... everything superb!!
{K:5996} 1/31/2004
awful portraŭt.SUPER
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 1/30/2004
Very good portrait and interesting presentation. Yes, it does look like a negative. Congrats.
{K:7957} 1/30/2004
Very interesting portrait.Regards
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 1/30/2004
Fantastic work!!! Congrats!
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/30/2004
Kust wonderful,Tomo! Splendid! My regards!
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 1/30/2004
Do you solarized it in the darkroom? Great effect, he seems made of gold! Good work my friend. Max
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 1/30/2004
Hi Tomo: What a marvellous portrait!... A different tecnique but wonderful in the same. Great work, great color, great composition. A smile.
c c
{K:13449} 1/30/2004
I love the effects! Wonderful and expressive. CC
Ulf Fċgelhammar
{K:10975} 1/30/2004
It is good to see you experimenting Tomo There are a million ways to tell astory I like it! /U
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 1/30/2004
Fantastic portrait! OUTSTANDING!!!Excellent effect. Is it you?...It's remind me aftoportret of Van Goug...Can you tell for everybody, here, how you did it, please... To my Favorites. Warm regards, Lena
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 1/30/2004
What a fantastic portrait!!! Genius work!!! MY best regards
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 1/30/2004
Hi Tomo ... this is very original .... and I like the expression ... of the face... but how you did this ? ciao ! Tommaso.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/30/2004
quite different effect my friend! interesting work! regards.
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 1/30/2004
Love his expression and the effect is really good! Regards, Rhonda
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/30/2004
Gorgeous interesting face and portrait, and awesome effects... don't know what you did or how you did, but the result is might fine :)
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 1/30/2004
Interessante composizione e affascinante foto molto bella complimenti ciao Salvo
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/30/2004
Hey Tomo; This one is very nice indeed Regards,H.
{K:30945} 1/30/2004
oh, Tomo you have added some effects. or not ?? great portrait Kiss, biliana
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/30/2004
Excellent work. How you achieve that effect? Da li je bilo vestacko svetlo?
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 1/30/2004
Very interessante! Great idea Tomo!
Tomo + Haleh B.

Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 1/30/2004
negative image from this one

Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 1/30/2004
Is this the "Phantom Of the Opera" without the mask? Wonderful platinum portrait. Original Tomo...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/30/2004
so dear tomo a fantastic work.. is a magnific portrait! but have a great work... and your title is equal a 3D... ;-) ciao roby 7/7
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/30/2004
molto originale e suggestivo
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 1/30/2004
Great work Tomo! Well done. Regards.
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 1/30/2004
perfect negative portrait
xy x
{K:41915} 1/30/2004
great idea and technique, perfect presentation and very impressive portrait, fantastic work, congrats, best regards
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 1/30/2004
Very nice work Tomo
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 1/30/2004
shure... it is...
Lucas B.
{K:525} 1/30/2004
Interessante imagem!!!!!