ryan winton
{K:3027} 12/4/2003
and now it looks like your headed towards white, kinda fasing out hte blue little by little, for the top of the picture, maybe, kept it in, but i think its more original like it is,
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 11/24/2003
I think this is good as it is. Very effective angle of view. It looks as if the sky was not very good anyway. Too include more would have given a hot spot to draw the eye. Beautiful work. Don.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 11/24/2003
Yes, maybe a little more headroom, but great shot still.
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 11/24/2003
Sólo un poco, muy poco... También pienso que es perfecta!!! Un excelente trabajo!!
Amazing :)))
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 11/24/2003
hello Kyle :-) yes,I think you should have left a little more room on top. What I like most in your image is the way the sand lines travel from beneath your feet to the distant dune,being wide in the foreground and appearing narrower and narrower as you look further.The effect is really nice! my regards,Kostas
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 11/24/2003
great shot of white sands.. wish i could go back and visit there...nice work
Ula Pieñkowska
{K:884} 11/24/2003
Lovely geometry of nature here.I like the shapes, lines,curves, texture and lighting.Very well done.Regards.
MCHK 2000
{K:4701} 11/24/2003
Excellent landscape, the sand waves are just great, well done!
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 11/24/2003
Wow! It seems snow! I think it's absolutely perfect! Fantastic effect of the light. Best congratulations! Regards, Lorenzo