Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 11/29/2002
:-))) You are probably right Andrew... But I lack a better tool, I'm affraid...:-) The only other tool I have is a pair of eyes that tells me this is beautiful, but then should one not somehow make also some sense of what he sees...? If so, what sort of sense ? And what tool to use ? :-) But no worries, I understand what you are saying. Thanks.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 11/29/2002
Marc: The usual logic of day is a bad tool for comprehension of dreams :)
Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 11/29/2002
I just had a look at your exhibition... and I must say that size matters, for your work ! There is so much texture, and it becomes so enjoyable to "feel" these textures at a larger size, that I feel compelled to call you master from now on...:-) This particular image looks so much better once posted a bit larger !! Really fantastic work here again. Is this key a key to the world of dreams ? Or a key to Death, or is that a stupid question...? :-) Anyway, eventhough I have problem sometimes to reach a complete interpretation of some of your works, it is always a dark and intriguing pleasure to look at each of them. Thanks for sharing. Best regards.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 11/25/2002
Thank, Donald! Thank, Mary! Julien S: All is made from photos
{K:2647} 11/24/2002
Wow! This is surealist art :-) So is this a painting or a photo?? I mean whatever it is, it is nice... but I just wondered.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 11/18/2002
Andrew, you have many admirers on this site. Please keep posting. Your talent is amazing.
Donald Holman
{K:884} 11/18/2002
I agree ... this is a fantastic piece. I can't find one thing that I would change. Beautiful artwork. Love the layers and texture especially.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 11/17/2002
Altaf,Thank for kind words. I understand kind words in English perfectly! :)
Ivan: Thank for yours to work. Mutual understanding between peoples now is inevitable! :)))
Alex: я бы сам не наш?лся, ?то бы здесь сказать. Сyw он и в Индии сyw. :) I would not find what here to tell. Surrealism he and in India surrealism :)
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 11/17/2002
Andrews images are always so stunning, sometimes its hard to find the words to say how wonderful they are. Everyone here really enjoys the images very much. Can you translate that for me to andrew?
Altaf - I'm sure he speaks Englsh, but here we go anyway:
Гwажданин Алтаф имел ?есть заявить ?то ваши твоwения невеwоятно кwасивы и заме?ательны:) Иногда настолько все это кwасиво и невеwоятно ?то слов нет и сказать не?его:) Бля-бля-бля, хинди wусси пхай пхай, гwузин с wусским бwатья навек, всем о?ень все нwавиться и все говоwят спасибо Вам за ваше твоw?ество.
Вольный пеwевод :)
al shaikh
{K:15790} 11/17/2002
Andrews images are always so stunning, sometimes its hard to find the words to say how wonderful they are. Everyone here really enjoys the images very much. Can you translate that for me to andrew?
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 11/17/2002
Не хотят коментиwовать и мол?ат навеwно Алекс. Мне напwимеw тоже сказать совеwшенно не?его. Никаких эмоций не возникает, ка?ество как всегда отменное, на стенку повесить не хо?ется.
In English : sometimes people have nothing to say about a picture. Yada yada yada. I have nothing to say about this very good picture .
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 11/17/2002
Altaf - Alex asked why no one said anything about this picture.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 11/17/2002
Could you also please post what you said in english so the rest of us can understand what you are writing.
Alex Dem
{K:8} 11/17/2002
Андwей! По?ему ни одного коментаwия ? Ну подавай им сопли с дево?ками в пwофиль!!! Пwосто как всегда-ЛОМ !!!