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 By: dimitris theocharis  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  dimitris theocharis {Karma:-276}
Project N/A Camera Model canon eos 300
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens 50mm
Uploaded 8/31/2002 Film / Memory Type ilford 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 925 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 17 Rating Critique Only Image
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
marília campos marília campos   {K:517} 7/16/2004
beautiful letter. and very intense.


Dylan Ricci   {K:861} 3/10/2004
this is a very beautiful image. thank you for sharing it.


Phil M Phil M   {K:11526} 12/4/2003
Nice shot. I think the difference between nude and portrait is in the intention and effect of the picture. You could have a shot of someone without clothing which focused on the body as an object, or a similar shot which was revealing of some aspect of their personality, in which case I would argue it could be called a portrait. The definition on usefilm is, however, more practical than theoretical. Given their practical definition, this hardly needs to go in there unless you want it to. Regards. :)


Andrew Caldwell Andrew Caldwell   {K:18307} 9/4/2003
Actually the angle of light here is what makes this shot great. The crop is a bit tight on our left side, but not enough to spoil the effect. A very enticing and unusual nude portrait, erotically charged and eeire.


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 9/2/2003
wow.. i think this is awesome, and of course it's not for the nude category. I like the grains here, and the framing is special along with the angle. And look at those eyes. This is excellent.


Glen Mitchell   {K:637} 4/4/2003
Terrific, Love the composition, expression, grain, and lighting!


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 9/2/2002
With the powers (not) vested in me, I declare this image, not a nude. Besides, if this was a nude, it would have been deleted before you could blink... I think Bill was playing devils advocate, and pointing out the "wrong" perception which people might have when it comes to a bare breast only being classified as a nude if it belongs to a female... Now! Get over it!

Let's focus on the image rather than the "nudity" for now. I think you have a great image here Mitso. I would like to see a version with the eye not cropped, but I can appreciate the image as is, because it intensifies the anticipation. ?Is this person dead or is he just laying there and staring at me?. By the way, I love the grain.

All in all, an excellent image. ...Even for a nude :-) hehehe


Rob James   {K:210} 9/2/2002
Good grief. Is this really a serious discussion? LIGHTEN UP!!! I'm distracted from a really cool image by concern that a shirtless man might/could/possibly be defined as nude??? Dimitris is right, keep it constructive and focus on the art. Somehow, I don't believe this is violating the spirit of the "rule." Oh, Dimitrius, this is a cool and almost spiritual image. As always, you've captured a possibly common shot and made it hip, disturbing and surreal through the digital medium. Keep it up (maybe crop above the nipple next time...:)


Mariusz Busilo   {K:104} 9/2/2002
AFAIK nude is not the same as nudity, and in photography language means a study of human body, nevertheless it's a penis or a hand - IMHO this picture is a kind of...


Karen L. Chambers   {K:277} 9/1/2002
I actually thought that nude was exposing the entire do we know if he had his pants on or if you take a picture of someones hands does that mean its a nude?
Dimitris, I went through your pictures on here and think that everything I saw was wonderful!! You are a very talented person!
Anyone can take pictures of buildings or water falls or people....but you take pictures in a beautiful and pleasing way!
You do not bore me, you inspire me!


dimitris theocharis   {K:-276} 9/1/2002
Firstly I guess you don?t understand the meaning of constructive criticism. Stating the obvious is hardly a comment.
Secondly certain things are commonly accepted around the globe-male nudity consists of more than the display of the chest?
When I go swimming at the sea wearing my shorts I don?t feel naked and I don?t think you do either?
So please enough with this nonsense.


Bill Akata   {K:2929} 9/1/2002
A photo of an unclothed human being, nipples exposed. Of course it's a nude. In case you don't read well, they ask you not to post nudes here.


Terrence Kent   {K:7023} 9/1/2002
Must admit, i prefer the original. I think the light on the abdomen is wonderful, just that the face needs to equal it in intensity or be a little stronger. Seeing the abdomen darker now it almost kills the mood that made the original as appealing as it is, makes the grainy look of the first that worked so well into more of a dark digi-noise, this may be a situation where several opinions are needed


dimitris theocharis   {K:-276} 9/1/2002
forgot the attachment!!! lol


dimitris theocharis   {K:-276} 9/1/2002
Bill, i wish you could add a constructive comment rather than making a rather unnecessary remark. Do you truly consider this as a nude?

Thank you Terrence for your comment. I had tried the opposite light direction but that caused the shadows of the face to create a rather unpleasant result. I totally agree though about the face needing to be lit more than the abdominals so the eye falls on it? I think probably the best way to achieve that is by burning in the abdominal area. I tried that on PS and I think the result is better. What do you think?


Bill Akata   {K:2929} 9/1/2002
But, but isn't this a nude?


Terrence Kent   {K:7023} 8/31/2002
Maybe a reversed lighting scheme is needed here, having the same contours and description that this light gives, but with the head being more prominently lit than the abdomen, so your attention sits squarely at the eyes. This is an incredible image, captivating~




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