Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 1/8/2004
thank u John, this is honour to receive such comment from u
John Strazza
{K:11535} 1/8/2004
gorgeous!!! excellent!!! - also an excellent portfolio - you images of people are excellent -- this one is a master work !!!
{K:87} 12/21/2003
Bardzo, bardzo
Ricardo Villagran
{K:1901} 12/10/2003
This shot reminds me the style of J. Koudelka... very nice! regards, Ricardo
Mafalda Machado
{K:835} 11/4/2003
excelente pb... tipicamente português, no seu mais profundo..!!
gosto muito, deste ponto de vista
Val .
{K:4973} 10/13/2003
interesitng moment ... and maybe interesing dialog ... maybe about flying ;-)
Sofia Quintas
{K:754} 10/9/2003
They caught you!
Piotr Bozejewicz
{K:298} 10/6/2003
No, dycht jak u nas w Czernikowie... Jeno u nas to czwartki bygy...
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 10/6/2003
muito bem Gorski .....no Fundão...!
Nita M
{K:4986} 10/6/2003
Excellent work.
Joao Luc
{K:513} 10/6/2003
Bem vindo a casa. Foge para melhores paragens enquanto podes.
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 10/5/2003
Wonderful photojournalism! Well seen and captured! Excellent work!
Kala Wlodarczyk
{K:2567} 10/5/2003
o fiki miki poki. w deche fest.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/4/2003
super stuff...
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 10/4/2003
Excellent "portuguese" shot. Abraço.
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 10/4/2003
NAwet bez duzego tloku w tym zdjeciu ten bazar jest pelen zycia. Dwie interakcje pomiedzy dwoma parami ludzi to daje. Poza tym super wykonanie b&w - film czy cyrowka? Stawiam na drugie ale nie mam pewnosci.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 10/4/2003
Muito bela esta foto
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 10/4/2003
The contrasts and B/W is perfect. A beautiful photo with a good story. The hand coming at you is awesome.
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 10/4/2003
excellent angle and momement me gusta muchisimo
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 10/4/2003
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/4/2003
excellent capture with expression.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 10/4/2003
excellent capture
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 10/4/2003
Nice capture and nice tone!
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 10/4/2003
real life photography, shot with best technique and taste; I like very much the off center and tilted composition, yelding a very dynamic and lively pic - regards - marco
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 10/4/2003
Excellent b/w!!!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/4/2003
fantastic b&w... perfect cut
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 10/4/2003
Exelent and beautiful work...