k c
{K:293} 11/21/2003
bardzo ciekawe zdjecie, tak samo jak i portfolio, pozdr
Kasia Bujniewska
{K:234} 10/6/2003
a ja to juz gdzies widzialam ;)rewelacyjne ujecie z dwoma przystojnymi mezczyznami! :)
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 8/13/2003
Marcin, this is an excellent capture, probably the photograph that I like the most in your portfolio.
The reflection of the scaffolding suggests reconstruction and change... but the fear of surveillance and control takes much longer to evaporate from the minds than it takes to repair the facade of a building.
How's the doktorat coming along? :-)
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 7/3/2003
marcin, polamania w pisaniu w takim razie. Nie wiedzialem nawet ze piszesz doktorat. Z mala iloscia szczescia dolacze do grona studentow znow w October robiac doktorat (w inzynierii oczywiscie) - nadal czekam na odpowiedz...
Fotka oczywiscie jest fantastyczna, i bez zarzutow ze ja znow widze. Po prostu bylem ciekaw co zajmuje Ci czas.
Co do obrabiania fotek, to PS jest nieco szybszy... ale nie ma tych milych zapachow chemii.
Peter Burda
{K:4807} 7/1/2003
very storng combination of picture and title. So classic !!!
Dave M
{K:9043} 7/1/2003
Ha! (Purposefully avoiding the other comments here so as not to be baised). I adore this photo. Such irony. Exposure is just dead-on. The reflection in the window adds a certain touch and depth and complexity that rises this above a more standard shot. Can't say enough -- great job.
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 6/29/2003
Hi Marcin, excellent creative shot, Regards Pia (Germany)
Ken Richardson
{K:1381} 6/29/2003
Great capture. I love the reflection.
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 6/28/2003
Paranoia. Nice composition/capture! Good eye!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 6/28/2003
T Glow
{K:14955} 6/27/2003
Different & wonderful composition! very well done. Abraço;.
Zelda Zabrinsky
{K:3036} 6/27/2003
fine B&W, fine contrast, excellent picture
Lukasz Gladki
{K:1101} 6/27/2003
to ja chyba nie do konca jestem zorientowany w sytuacji na UF:)Jestem tu chyba od niecalego tygodnia i nie znam jeszcze wszystkich smaczkow:)Zauwazylem tylko ze mi moja wielka Charisma zniknela..a co do mojego ostatniego zdjecia to jest jestes chyba jedna z nielicznych osob, chyba tylko oprocz mnie, ktorej ta ostatnia fotka bardziej sie podoba od tej wczorajszej..thx za komentarzyki..pozdrowienia od nieswiadomego usefilmowca;)
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 6/27/2003
Hi Marcin, excellent idea with a fine execution. Love everything about it. The tones, the two people (you?) and the Big Brother. And yes, they are all watching not us, but our pockets... Marilia
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 6/27/2003
Marcin, this is just genial! Great photoart, classic. It's a pity I have not more points to give! Abraço!
Lukasz Gladki
{K:1101} 6/27/2003
swietna fotka..wyglada jak filmowy kadr..szkoda tylko tego tytu.u..dla mnie zbyt banalny dla samego zdjecia..jest dla mnie moim zdaniem zbyt dobre na ten oklepany frazes
j w
{K:12641} 6/27/2003
Powerful photograph, Marcin, and very well done. I love the play of whites: cheek, cheek, word on the window
Let's hope the troubles here are at an end. I enjoyed your intelligent and heartfelt comments in the forums. I cannot imagine the things you and your countrymen have endured, but you make beautiful art.
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 6/27/2003
cant be better this one!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 6/27/2003
Excellent shot, Marcin i think really nice shot!!!!!!!!! my best regards
regards kim
Val .
{K:4973} 6/27/2003
Val .
{K:4973} 6/27/2003
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 6/27/2003
Marku - moze zeby wszyscy zrozumieli: The picture is indeed few months old, but I found this moment very suiting for showing it again on Usefilm :) A czasu, kurcze malo, fot zrobilem setki, ale nie mam czasu ich przejzec i obrobic. Doktorat czeka...Pozdrawiam, abraco, xiao :)
Mariusz Margas
{K:473} 6/27/2003
:)) xiao :P
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/27/2003
Excellent work, Marcin, very well seen. (I believe this problem is solved, now...) Abraço!!
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 6/27/2003
Pamietam ten z sig'a. Super foto, zlapane w dobrej chwili. Fakt ze wielki brat ma czesciowo zakryta twarz, a czlowiek lekko przerazony daje atmosfere.
Czy masz malo czasu ostatnio? Malo zdjec wogle, a czesc z juz minionch miesiecy. Czy raczej ta nasza pogoda teraz?
Bartosz A.
{K:146} 6/27/2003
I like it! But I'm wondering how did you do this? (it doesn't look like a reflection - it can't be)
Nita M
{K:4986} 6/27/2003
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 6/27/2003
Always, Marcin, always...!!!
Estou quase de férias, no sabado parto para mais duas semanitas no Sol do Algarve, e esta imagem lembrou-me o Inverno...
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 6/26/2003
Ermenegildo :)
michelle k.
{K:16270} 6/26/2003
oooo that's that store that has the cool ties that i for the LIFE of me cannot pronounce the Emz.mf.hm.m.g,... first name lol!!!! great photo, though! : ))
Anyki .
{K:1381} 6/26/2003
Nice street shot Regards,ANN!
Daniel Knutsen
{K:3871} 6/26/2003
Excellent work!!! I love the nice contrasts. Great composition.