David Ziegert
{K:378} 10/20/2003
I like the air of mystery in this shot. Very nice!
Leo Solei
{K:339} 10/13/2003
Great Shoot!
.l m,.
{K:519} 10/9/2003
The play with shadow and light in this image is wonderful. I find the large shadow in the lower left corner to be a little distracting. I was tempted to say just crop it out but then you would lose the retangle shape of the photograph and that would not be good. So my only suggestion is maybe to lighten it a little and add some flects of light.
{K:32791} 10/7/2003
beauty is a temptation few can resist...
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 10/6/2003
Really a great shot.
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 10/4/2003
thank you for your comment, marie. you see, there are the limits of technique. we are talking a slide here and scanning doesn't do a favour to such strong light discrepancies. on the other hand, i am not in favour of "improving" such pictures by ps or other. if the picture is strong enough, which i believe it is in this case, it will survive. if not ... thank you for yll your constructive comments. regards charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 10/4/2003
Surely a great ligh Charlie. I like how the exposure left the sunlight looks on the photo. From technical view a very good photo, ok not THE original but surely a good one. PS... thanks for your comment. Please don't say sorry. I upload my photos so people say that they believe an you simple write that you believe for my photo and REALY I thank you for this. Best regards, JH.
Marie Billing
{K:1620} 10/4/2003
I love the light and shade pattern in this photo but would prefer the central burnt out areas to be toned down a little.Perhaps with low opacity of the cloning tool some of the other lighter areas with detal could be cloned to the burnt areas.best regards Marie
{K:15913} 10/2/2003
Nice photo But I think something is missing in this composition.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 10/2/2003
nice light (and shadow!) study, Charlie. Regarding the fall: you're German, perhaps you adore the sun, but some of we are really feed up of sun, drought and heat... Saludos!
Naty Z
{K:16436} 10/2/2003
a place where to stop for a while and relax, magic light! regards
Burak A
{K:2022} 10/2/2003
of,great shot.. congrats Charlie !!
Andrea Biscosi
{K:5387} 10/2/2003
Nice composition. Regards.