Thanks for the comment. Since I realize that my pictures are unlikely to change the world, I decided to dedicate my professional, un-photographical, life to trying do so. This, at times put in the predicament of photojournalists you mention in your comment too. As far as the thing above the girls head, I have no idea what that is. Probably a poor scan ? I am not that good at these sorts of things. Best, A.
It's pictures like this that could change the world. :) Great job on capturing this child's mood. I know it's hard to see things like this and not be able to do anything about's sometimes almost devastating, which is why many an international photojournalist ends up in therapy at some point. That thing above her head, it in the actual picture? Never know...could be something only film could see. ;) I don't really believe in that sort of stuff, but you never could always just leave it like that and use it as a means to stir up conversation about this picture, if nothing else does (in which case, I'd be trully saddened...this is a picture worth commenting on as it is). *shrug*
Autumn: Thanks so much. I am very glad you like the photo. I felt very helpless there, standing, looking at the girl. She looked and acted ill. I gave her mother some money hoping she would take the baby to the hospital. I hope she did. Unfortunately I don?t have a bigger, better scan to post.
Ron: Thanks for the comment. The arch above her head is probably due to the poor scan.
second comment, sorry! but i cant stop looking at this picture, its amazing... maybe if you made it bigger more people would notice? i'm upset more people havent commented.
Very sad, but nicely captured. What's that arch thing above her head? Looks like it might be some sort of blemish. If it is I think it could be cloned out pretty easily.