Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 11/15/2003
you have had my same idea. It goes to see you the snail of mine portfolio? Hello Emanuele
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/1/2003
nice shot
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 8/26/2003
Ótima captura, Adelino! Ótima composição. Abraços ..... Lucas
Adriana Najar Smith
{K:909} 8/8/2003
Muy interesante y original! Magnifica!
Joann Winborn
{K:12550} 8/6/2003
GROSS! I was sitting at my computor eating my tropical fruit salad and what did my eyes behold but this way too real looking image! Well, all I have to say is ,"I'm not sharing anything with that creature!" Wonderful capture!
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 8/6/2003
Ciaio Adelno. Macro grande di una lumaca piccola. Quasi sembra trasparente attraverso il vetro della finestra. Bloccaggio molto originale. Pozzo fatto!
{K:16195} 8/6/2003
Great capture and nice reflection. Regards, Hayri