Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 7/17/2004
Thanks for your comments
Chiara Sam
{K:2505} 11/19/2003
Ma! un Elfo che fa così!?
Paulo Silva
{K:406} 9/29/2003
very nice shot... just in time!!!
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 9/25/2003
Excellent shot! Congrats Legolas!
Javed Rassi
{K:8223} 9/16/2003
Very good timing, great feel of motion, nicely captured, and thanks.
Igor L.
{K:7432} 9/13/2003
Nice timing!
T Glow
{K:14955} 8/20/2003
perfect timming... great capture! Regards,T.
Kamil Caban
{K:406} 8/19/2003
O` I like man with potential ...
Simon P
{K:615} 8/13/2003
very good!!!!
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 8/4/2003
splash.... questa mi era sfuggita. forte...ma scusa la domanda... è un autoscatto? :-)
cinzia gregorutti
{K:4721} 7/26/2003
ciao legolas!!nelle tue ultime foto sei particolarmente esibizionista...strano per un elfo del nord proveniente dalle foreste piene di pericoli e dal freddo...non ti vergogni????!!!!ciao a presto!!!
Ronald J
{K:570} 7/24/2003
great splash!
{K:16195} 7/24/2003
Great capture! Regards, Hayri.
Rajkumar Dutta
{K:1548} 7/24/2003
very dificult shot but excellently captured. these type of shots are difficult to take with appropriate shutter speed.
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 7/24/2003
great timing :)
ozgur aktas
{K:424} 7/24/2003
it's really good shot. regards özgürrrrrrrr!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 7/24/2003
... nuvole? Dove? Perchè? ... Great Splash!!!!!
Samvise Gamgee
{K:1999} 7/24/2003
pensa che colleghi che ho... una con la testa tra le nuvole, l'altro con la testa sotto l'acqua!!!
Alberto Giorgi
{K:1890} 7/24/2003
the decisive moment1 ;-)))))